Survey on in higher education shows desire for …

The EU has realized the importance of strengthening research and capacity in to meet both global and local challenges in sustainable and climate smart management. However, only 10% of higher education institutes have dedicated departments. Building the human capacity will therefore be critical.

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The upcoming Monitoring Law: An effective …

A monitoring program should be representative in terms of (i) climate conditions, (ii) different types, and (iii) land use types within the Union. The physical, chemical, and biological state of soils should be monitored in order to reach the aims of the Strategy for 2030 and the provisions of the proposed ...

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remediation research: 1992–1994: Critical …

Information on remediation research was gathered from four countries (Germany, the Netherlands, U.K., and Italy) and the Union to provide the reader with better insights and opportunities to pursue further areas of joint interest. Four foci for critical remediation research were identified for this review.

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As the world leader in classification and survey, ’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), was invited to give a keynote presentation at the XXVII Congress of of Argentina held virtually the week of October 12, 2020. Survey Regional Director Luis Hernandez with the NRCS and Plant Division represented -NRCS and provided a comprehensive ...

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Monitoring threats – Environment Agency

is a vital component of natural capital, hosting rich biodiversity and providing critical ecosystem services, such as food production, water purification and carbon storage. However, soils are under increasing pressure and comprehensive monitoring to asses health is lacking. Published today, a Environment Agency (EEA) report presents a core set of indicators ...

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EGU – Division on System Sciences (SSS)

The importance of soils in the Earth system must make us, the scientists, more noticeable at the EGU. The aim of the Division on System Sciences ( SSS) is to coordinate the EGU scientific programme on and related activities. The SSS contributes actively with EGU by promoting scientific interchange and dissemination of ...

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A 1 billion euro mission: A Deal for – Panagos …

Soils have achieved prominence in the political agenda of the Commission with the proposal for a Monitoring Law and the ambitious Mission research framework. The EU Observatory (EUSO) used the latest state-of-the-art pan- datasets to propose a preliminary assessment of health in the EU based on 18 ...

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Impact of climate change on erosion and the efficiency …

The actual average net losses in the watershed varied from 2·57 t/ha/yr for conventional management systems to 0.01 t/ha/yr for grassland. This corresponds to a maximum average annual loss of about 0·2 mm, which is considered to be the average annual formation rate and therefore an acceptable loss.

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Spatial evaluation and trade‐off analysis of functions …

For each function the maximum potential was estimated across the Union and changes in trade-offs were assessed. By deriving current and potential function delivery from Bayesian networks a better understanding is gained of how different functions and their interdependencies can differ depending on , climate and ...

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A review of earthworm impact on function and ecosystem …

from various land-use types under temperate climate conditions suggest that the amount of brought to the surface by earthworms annually as castings is about 40 t ha −1 year −1 (based on 19 studies), contributing about 0.4 cm (based on 13 studies) of topsoil per year. Under a temperate climate, earthworms can thus potentially ...

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