How the was born –
scientists at the JRC have been busy gathering and analysing samples from across the .. Around 22,000 samples were collected from all Union (EU) Member States in 2009-2012 ...
scientists at the JRC have been busy gathering and analysing samples from across the .. Around 22,000 samples were collected from all Union (EU) Member States in 2009-2012 ...
Physics and Healthy Cropland Cultivation. Submission deadline: Saturday, 15 June 2024. physics is at the heart of sustainable management of ecosystems. It is fundamental to global food, water and energy security, especially in the face of global climate change and increasingly anthropogenic activities.
Three LUCAS surveys have been carried out over the past 10 years, collecting samples of EU topsoil in 2009/2012 (22,000 samples), 2015 (23,000 samples) and 2018 (26,000 samples). The samples, about 0.5kg each, are stored and analysed in a central laboratory, and the analysed data are hosted by the (ESDAC).
quality, including water management and nutrient availability is an essential, yet quite variable property of types, therefore we performed our analysis for based on types, defined as Reference Groups (FAO, ISSS & ISRIC, 1998). To enable integrated analysis of complexity in the climate--crop system, cropping ...
The Journal of (EJSS) is an international journal that publishes outstanding papers in that advance the theoretical and mechanistic understanding of physical, chemical and biological processes and their interactions in soils acting from molecular to continental scales in natural and managed environments
This Research Topic (RT) is related to the Eurosoil 2021 conference, focusing on the contributions of to reach the targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and SDG 15 (Life on Land). The overall aim of SDG 15 is to sustainably use and manage terrestrial ecosystems and to halt and reverse land degradation. The particular role of forests ...
Guidelines for Authors of Eurasian 1. GENERAL REMARKS Eurasian is an English-language journal publishes original papers on global and regional theoretical and experimental studies of the genesis, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, fertility, management, conservation, and remediation of soils.
The 4-year PhD program provides core expertise in and environmental sciences and offers opportunities for advanced study and research. All students registered in thesis-based graduate programs within departments in the College of Agriculture and Bioresources receive a minimum level of funding at the beginning of their programs.
The variables considered for the selection were physical and chemical properties from LUCAS 2009 ( Commission, 2022), topography (elevation, slope and wetness index derived from Digital Elevation Model over [EU-DEM]), climate (1970–2000 average monthly precipitation and temperatures derived from WorldClim bioclimatic ...
A high resolution spatial assessment of topsoil Zn concentrations • Mean Zn concentration is 47 mg kg −1. • One percent of all samples had concentrations above 167 mg kg −1. • texture and pH are most important drivers for the variation in topsoil Zn. • Highest Zn concentrations are found near Zn deposits ...
71 raster data (GeoTIFF) derived from the Database v2. 16. Apr. 2024. EU Observatory (EUSO team) has published 46 scientific papers in 2023. 10. Apr. 2024. For the entire EU, we provide estimates of sediments removal costs based on 3 quantification methods as documented in the publication.
The only non-representative class is the elevation above 1000 m where LUCAS points were rarely sampled.. 2.3. Organic carbon content (%) in topsoils dataset. The current (modeled) dataset of the SOC distribution available at scale (known as OCTOP; Jones et al., 2005) is used both by EU policy makers as input for developing strategies for protection and by scientific communities ...
We measured decreased TP, Fe-P, O-P and Ca 10-P in the 40–100-cm layer following maize straw and biochar deposition, whereas higher Ca 2-P, Al-P, MROP and HROP were obtained in maize straw-supplemented relative to NPK fertiliser treatment in the 20–100-cm layer. Thus, maize straw and its biochar can be used to effectively ...
The processing of data on into meaningful information products – such as maps - requires a workflow of collection, organization and management, analysis and publication of data. Harmonized methods and data infrastructures will allow easier sharing of data , which is essential for research and for policy advice on ...
The 6 th Eurasian Partnership plenary meeting took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on 23-24 May 2023. In 2021 the Book «Sustainable Management in Eurasian Region» was published. It provides a detailed overview of the implementation of sustainable management practices in the Eurasian sub-region, as the result of the regional ...
The results indicate that the main factor influencing degradation was land-use change: when compared with the baseline business-as-usual landscape, the landscape with the most intensive agricultural systems had the greatest erosion (+0.26 t ha −1 year −1) and reduced mean SOC stocks (−17 t ha −1 after 90 years). The second ...
Title: : Alternative: Journal of : ISSN: 1351-0754: Publisher: Wiley: Notes: 1950-1993 Journal of 1994-
This dataset contains the erosion estimations resulting of a study that mapped post-fire erosion in EU and UK following the 2017’s wildfires during 5 post-fire years. Five maps (GeoTIFF) and their corresponding dataframe (Rdata) are provided at 25m resolution, from year 1 (2017) to year 5 (2021). Resource Type: Datasets.
Description. The JRC created a quantitative map of estimated pH values across from a compilation of 12,333 pH measurements from 11 different sources, and using a geo-statistical framework based on Regression-Kriging. The map can be downloaded as a graphical file or as data. Its spatial coverage is 25 Member States of the ...
The recent proposal by the Commission for a Health and Food Mission - ‘Caring for is caring for life’ - has set the ambitious challenge of ensuring that, by 2030, 75% of EU soils are healthy for food, people, nature and climate. It is no surprise that is the glue that binds the different strategies of the Green Deal.
The launch of the EJP programme that associates many countries, allowed to gather and elaborate an unprecedented detailed vision of the current state of the available information at the country scale, which is much needed in the current context of the Mission “A deal for ” and for the elaboration of a ...
Physical protection of uncomplexed organic matter and organisms and the creation of gas and moisture gradients are emergent features regulating the turnover at this level of complexity. The structurally intact (the in situ) constitutes the third level of complexity. This integrates the effects of primary and secondary complexes.
Environmental quality is a major political concern and the important role of the is widely recognized. However, still has an important role to play in translating good intentions into policies supporting the implementation of innovative management procedures that can ensure sustainable production systems in harmony with nature.
Journal of 2023-10-16. Ad. 0.057837963104248. The Observatory of International Research. Home Trending Papers Journal Rankings. Powered by:
The Journal of (EJSS) Use and Management; Instagram channel. Visit BSSS; Journal of . Volume 72, Issue 2 p. 842-862 ...
Abstract. eukaryotes play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem functions and services, yet the factors driving their diversity and distribution remain poorly understood. While many studies focus on some eukaryotic groups (mostly fungi), they are limited in their spatial scale. Here, we analyzed an unprecedented amount of observational ...
The Joint Programme for (EJP ) started in 2020 with the aim to significantly improve management knowledge and create a sustainable and integrated research system. EJP involves more than 350 scientists across 24 Countries and has been addressing multiple aspects associated with management across ...
Our study has proposed the first topsoil OC content map of which is based on direct harmonized measurements stored in a database, produced using DSM techniques. The model shows a fairly good accuracy for most of the EU (R2 =0.28), except for Scandinavia (R2 =0.09) where organic topsoils predominate.
conservation started to gain political attention during the last decade of the 20th Century and it became rapidly obvious that conservation was a complex issue, particularly , where long historical development has had a deep impact on resources (Imeson et al., 2006). Due to the potential of for ...
The Journal of is ranked 3990 among 27955 Journals, Conferences, and Book Series. As per SJR, this journal is ranked 1.035 . SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals.
Impact assessment (SWD(2023) 417, SWD(2023) 418 (summary)) accompanying the Commission proposal for a directive of the Parliament and of the Council on monitoring and resilience ( Monitoring Law), COM(2023) 416. This briefing provides an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Commission's impact ...
This study aims to evaluate climate quantitatively under present and projected climatic conditions across Central (12.1°–18.9° E and 46.8°–51.1° N) and the U.S. Central Plains (90°–104° W and 37°–49° N), with a special focus on temperature, hydric regime, drought risk and potential productivity (assessed as a period suitable for crop growth). The analysis was ...
The Horizon Mission “A Deal for ”, which aims to establish a network of 100 living labs and lighthouses to lead the transition towards healthy soils and safeguard human and ...
In this paper we describe the GCTE global Organic Matter Network (SOMNET) before focusing on the . We then select two examples from the site network and demonstrate how such data can be used to (a) track long-term changes in organic matter, (b) evaluate and compare organic matter models, and (c) make rough estimates of the potential ...
2018 - Volume 69, Journal of . Volume 69, Issue 6. Pages: i-iv, 967 ... Published on behalf of the British Society of . Check Out Our ...
If we consider the commonly accepted long-term tolerable -displacement rate of 2 Mg ha − 1 yr − 1, indicated by Verheijen et al. 5 as a suitable baseline rate for given potential ...
The EU Mission ‘A Deal for ’ (Mission ) is one of five Missions funded under the EU Research and Innovation (R&I) Programme Horizon . Its goal is to create 100 Living Labs and Lighthouses by 2030 to promote sustainable land and management in urban and rural areas. The Mission is rooted in research and ...
Description. This report is a staff working document of the Commission to develop guidelines on sealing best practices. The aim of the document is to provide information on the magnitude of sealing in the EU, its impacts and examples of best practices.
Tuesday 3rd International Symposium in Climate-Resilient Agri-Environmental Systems (ISCRAES 2024) Sunday XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024. Sunday 5th International Conference of Young Scientists – in the Environment (SITE) Sunday Canadian Society of CSSS 2024 CONFERENCE. Sunday Centennial Celebration and Congress of the IUSS ...
1. Introduction. SOC levels directly affect environmental processes such as erosion, fertility and greenhouse gas fluxes. At a global scale, SOC data are of relevance since “soils” is among the mandatory carbon pools to be reported on under the “Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry” (LULUCF) activities listed in articles 3.3 and 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol (UNFCCC, 1998).