(PDF) The state of : a contribution to the …
PDF | On Jan 1, 2011, Frank G.A. Verheijen and others published The state of : a 2010 | Find, read and cite all the ...
PDF | On Jan 1, 2011, Frank G.A. Verheijen and others published The state of : a 2010 | Find, read and cite all the ...
Web-based digital maps help policymakers and scientists to find the data they need for their models or decisions in fields such as land management and biodiversity conservation. The EU's Institute for Environment and Sustainability in Ispra, Italy, is the focal point for information at the level.
The Journal of is an international, peer reviewed journal devoted to publishing original research findings in the areas of , plant nutrition, agriculture, and environmental . The official journal of University of La Frontera and Chilean Society of .
This book was born as an international tribute to Fiorenzo C. Ugolini, an outstanding scientist who recently retired from university teaching and research. It is a fully up-to-date synthesis of the present knowledge of soils, their genesis, functions and management. It includes contributions from leading scientists and the result is a ...
The Journal of (EJSS) is an international journal that publishes outstanding papers in that advance the theoretical and mechanistic understanding of physical, chemical and biological processes and their interactions in soils acting from molecular to continental scales in natural and managed environments, as ...
One can easily make the case that in in general, given the inherent complexity and heterogeneity of the material we work with, it is pointless to acquire data in the absence of a clear question that requires an answer. 1 Indeed, very different information about organic matter needs to be obtained, depending on whether one ...
EJP scientists and high-class researchers from across and the US were invited as lecturers to introduce their research on system sciences, emerging micro-analytical techniques and to engage in dialogue about the challenges and the future of the research discipline. Schedule: System course 2021.
In forest soils, about 20% of SOC are stored in the organic surface layer and 80% in the mineral . Mountain grasslands have similar SOC stocks as forests. Extensively and intensively used grasslands in low altitudes have lower SOC stocks than mountain grasslands. The SOC stock in cropland is lower than in grasslands.
The British Society of (BSSS) is delighted to announce the next Zoom into webinar will take place on Wednesday 7 February from 12:00 - 1:00pm (UK time) and is free of charge to register. Join Professor Jenni Dungait, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of , and Dr Cristina Arias-Navarro, Scientific Project ...
71 raster data (GeoTIFF) derived from the Database v2. 16. Apr. 2024. EU Observatory (EUSO team) has published 46 scientific papers in 2023. 10. Apr. 2024. For the entire EU, we provide estimates of sediments removal costs based on 3 quantification methods as documented in the publication.
Abstract. Despite their key importance for ecosystems and societies, soils have long remained a peripheral topic in the human and social sciences. Our paper aims to account for the recent, fast-growing literature in human and social sciences on soils. We first highlight social sciences’ shared concern for unsettling common visions of as ...
Global Atlas. The Atlas describes as habitat for the diversity of organisms that live under our feet. At the same time, it draws attention to the threats to , such as invasive species, pollution, intensive land use pracu0002tices or climate change. The Atlas provides current solutions for a sustainable ...
Source: Commission. The health dashboard supports the Commission proposal for a health law and indicators proposed by the Mission of the EU’s research and innovation programme Horizon , revealing that the most common types of degradation appear to be loss of organic carbon (53%), the loss of ...
This project was funded by The Nature Conservancy and received co-funding from the Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 774378 (project CIRCASA - Coordination of International Research Cooperation on CArbon Sequestration in Agriculture), as well as the Craig and Susan McCaw Foundation.
assessment reports showing that degradation is a serious problem . The overall objective of the Strategy is (i) to prevent further degradation and to preserve its functions, and (ii) to restore degraded soils. The Strategy recognizes that certain threats, such as erosion, organic matter
The ‘Resources, Infrastructure and Capabilities Inventory (RICI)’ is an online platform for policy stakeholders. RICI provides access to a pool of specialized scientists and experts at local, regional and national level across . The RICI is like the "yellow pages" for expertise on . RICI is the catalogued scientific ...
The scientists call for a common framework to help national governments in their efforts to prevent and remediate contamination. Tracking progress across . An average of 3.6 contaminated sites per square kilometre of artificial surface are registered in the country inventories of EU Member States.
W2 Professorship in and Resources (m/f/d) at the Institute of Geography from 01.03.2024. We are looking for an outstanding scientist who can demonstrate internationally visible achievements in research and teaching as well as an above-average acquisition of third-party funds and thus make an important contribution to the ...
The major types of . with subsurface accumulation of low activity clay minerals and low base saturation (from the Latin, acris, meaning very acid). An Acrisol is a highly weathered occurring in warm temperate regions and the wetter parts of the tropics and subtropics. Acrisols have poor chemical properties, low levels of ...
Care will involve: (1) Review of existing data on -improving cropping systems; (2) Definition of what constitutes a -improving cropping system; (3) Evaluation of -improving cropping systems at 16 study sites ; (4) Modelling to upscale results from study sites in order to recommend -improving cropping systems for locations under various scenarios; (5 ...
salinization. The incremental loss and deterioration of 's resource is expected to continue, and will probably increase as a result of climate and land-use changes. From the Environmental Agency it was estimated that 220 million ha of (11% of the degraded soils worldwide) are degraded due to one or several of
Anthropogenic warming is anticipated to increase moisture drought in the future. However, projections are accompanied by large uncertainty due to varying estimates of future warming. Here, using an ensemble of hydrological and land-surface models, forced with bias-corrected downscaled general circulation model output, we estimate the ...
Paya Perez, A. and Rodriguez Eugenio, N., Status of local contamination : Revision of the indicator “Progress in the management contaminated sites ” , EUR 29124 EN, Publications Office of the Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-80073-3 (print),978-92-79-80072-6 (pdf), doi:10.2760/093804 (online),10.2760 ...
A strategic research agenda to make better use of land and soils . and land use research is fragmented . Now, researchers and practitioners have developed a comprehensive agenda on key knowledge gaps that research needs to address for the benefit of society now and in the future.
In 2010, the Data Centre (ESDAC) of the Commission conducted a project to collect data on erosion from national institutions , using the Environment Information and Observation Network for (EIONET-). The aim of this paper is to present a selection of the results obtained for erosion ...
Abstract Compound events are extreme impacts that depend on multiple variables that need not be extreme themselves. In this study, we analyze moisture drought as a compound event of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (PET) on multiple time scales related to both meteorological drought and heat waves in wet, transitional, and dry climates during summer.
From ESDAC, we included only predictors of ecological relevance for plant species with full spatial coverage, namely, the 3D Hydraulic Database of (Tóth et al. 2017), the Database derived data (Hiederer 2013a, b) and the Topsoil Organic Content for (Jones et al. 2005). SoilGrids variables were chosen based on ...
The Journal of (EJSS) Use and Management; Instagram channel. Visit BSSS; ... The British Society of is a limited company ...
At each forest plot, we used a auger to sample the profile to a depth of 1 m, and divided it into five layers: 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm, 20–30 cm, 30–50 cm, and 50–100 cm. ...
Journal of . Volume 71, Issue 4 p. 553-567. ORIGINAL ARTICLE. ... The British Society of is a limited company, registered in England ...
In 1986 the International Society of published the Map of Middle at scale 1:1,000,000 that implied the re-editing of part of the Map of the Communities with the addition of the maps of Austria and Switzerland.
Physical, biological, and chemical processes in the affect the balance in organic carbon compounds, and if they are released to the atmosphere as CO 2, or stored in the . This same process occurs with Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and all other materials. Water Filtration. Without and particles, water would be running on bare rocks!
Abstract. respiration constitutes the second largest flux of carbon (C) between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. This study provides a synthesis of respiration ( R s) in 20 grasslands across a climatic transect, including ten meadows, eight pastures and two unmanaged grasslands.
Spain, Germany, and the continental average showed similar erosion rates. Overall, the Mediterranean is more threatened by erosion than the rest of . Download : Download high-res image (128KB) Download : Download full-size image; Fig. 8. erosion rates in vineyards by country or regions.
In total there are 6 categories: 0 - no . This represents water bodies, glaciers and rock outcrops. 1 - low susceptibility to compaction. 2. - medium susceptibility to compaction. 3. - high susceptibility to compaction. 4. - very high susceptibility to compaction. 9. - no evaluation possible.
The regional maps were developed based on the regional surveys and illustrate the bias existing in data for different regions. The map for the Rostov region was digitized by the Dokuchaev Institute based on the 1:300,000 map developed by Southern state design Institute for land management of the USSR in 1985.
Using model simulation to evaluate loss potential in diversified agricultural landscapes. Tobias Koch, Detlef Deumlich, Peter Chifflard, Kerstin Panten, Kathrin Grahmann. , e13332. First Published: 09 December 2022. Abstract.
Benchmarking Health across The recent proposal for a Monitoring and Resilience Directive by the Commission states that 60-70% of soils are currently considered unhealthy due to e.g. pollution, excess nutrients compaction and degradation. In light of this worrying figure, the SH&F mission has set the goal ...
The global organic carbon (SOC) stocks to 2 m of depth are estimated at approximately 2400 Gt C 6, which is three times the amount of carbon in the atmosphere 7. Small changes in SOC ...
Yang Zhang, Lu Liu, Qing Li, Qigen Dai, Jian Hu. Article 103452. View PDF. Article preview. Previous vol/issue. Read the latest articles of Journal of Biology at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature.