Author Guidelines – Journal of – Wiley …

The Journal of (EJSS) is an international journal that publishes outstanding papers in that advance the theoretical and mechanistic understanding of physical, chemical and biological processes and their interactions in soils acting from molecular to continental scales in natural and managed environments, as ...

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Zoom into : Journal of and EU …

The British Society of (BSSS) is delighted to announce the next Zoom into webinar will take place on Wednesday 7 February from 12:00 - 1:00pm (UK time) and is free of charge to register. Join Professor Jenni Dungait, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of , and Dr Cristina Arias-Navarro, Scientific Project ...

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“Data‐driven” versus “question‐driven” research – Baveye …

One can easily make the case that in in general, given the inherent complexity and heterogeneity of the material we work with, it is pointless to acquire data in the absence of a clear question that requires an answer. 1 Indeed, very different information about organic matter needs to be obtained, depending on whether one ...

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to policy – EJP

The ‘Resources, Infrastructure and Capabilities Inventory (RICI)’ is an online platform for policy stakeholders. RICI provides access to a pool of specialized scientists and experts at local, regional and national level across . The RICI is like the "yellow pages" for expertise on . RICI is the catalogued scientific ...

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Professorship in and Resources (W2) | EURAXESS

W2 Professorship in and Resources (m/f/d) at the Institute of Geography from 01.03.2024. We are looking for an outstanding scientist who can demonstrate internationally visible achievements in research and teaching as well as an above-average acquisition of third-party funds and thus make an important contribution to the ...

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An assessment of erosion prevention by vegetation in …

The concept of ecosystem services has received increased attention in recent years, and is seen as a useful construct for the development of policy relevant indicators and communication for , policy and practice. erosion is one of the main environmental problems for Mediterranean agro-forestry systems, making erosion ...

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Greenhouse gas emissions from … – Semantic Scholar

Journal of In order to estimate potential greenhouse gas flux rates from soils under different land use and climate, and to particularly assess the influence of temperature and moisture, we measured fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) from intact cores ...

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: A case …

For the above distinctions certainly apply and this will be illustrated by discussing the unique challenge faced by , now that a “Thematic Strategy for Protection” is adopted by the EU Commission. This may include a legally binding framework directive. Adoption of such a strategy at EU level is to be ...

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quality …

To manage the use of agricultural soils well, decision-makers need -based, easy-to-apply and cost-effective tools to assess changes in quality and function. The Commission, the Government of China and the Government of Switzerland co-funded the research project “Interactive Quality Assessment and China for ...

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signs Declaration on Research Assessment

’s signature formalises this lasting and fruitful relationship. Back in 2019, respondents to ’s flagship study of the research assessment practices highlighted the role of DORA principles in promoting reflections on research assessment policies and practices. The subsequent Position and ...

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The Natural History Museum (NHM) is a world-class visitor attraction and leading research centre and commercial event space. There are 350 scientific staff working across Life Sciences and Earth Sciences Departments with molecular laboratories, sequencing facilities and imaging centre in the Core Research Facilities. We use our unique collections with 80 million specimens, laboratory […]

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Annual Days 2024 –

The event will consist of: The Annual Days & t he General Meeting. Time for project meetings, board meetings, and a possible field trip. Preliminary programme overview: Monday and Tuesday. Preliminary programme overview: Wednesday and Thursday. For any questions about registration please contact

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Guidelines for Authors of Eurasian – Springer

Guidelines for Authors of Eurasian 1. GENERAL REMARKS Eurasian is an English-language journal publishes original papers on global and regional theoretical and experimental studies of the genesis, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, fertility, management, conservation, and remediation of soils.

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