threats : Status, methods, drivers and effects …
threats : Status, methods, drivers and effects on ecosystem services ... Journal of 23 NOV 2017 DOI: 10.1111/ejss.12499
threats : Status, methods, drivers and effects on ecosystem services ... Journal of 23 NOV 2017 DOI: 10.1111/ejss.12499
We start by noting that erosion research is firmly rooted in geomorphology, in contrast to the mainly agronomic foundations of North American erosion research. , the importance of field-based surveys of erosion has been emphasized by the findings of a few regional-scale, long-term monitoring exercises, most recently that ...
PDF | On Jan 1, 2011, Frank G.A. Verheijen and others published The state of : a 2010 | Find, read and cite all the ...
assessment reports showing that degradation is a serious problem . The overall objective of the Strategy is (i) to prevent further degradation and to preserve its functions, and (ii) to restore degraded soils. The Strategy recognizes that certain threats, such as erosion, organic matter
Abstract Compound events are extreme impacts that depend on multiple variables that need not be extreme themselves. In this study, we analyze moisture drought as a compound event of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (PET) on multiple time scales related to both meteorological drought and heat waves in wet, transitional, and dry climates during summer.
Paya Perez, A. and Rodriguez Eugenio, N., Status of local contamination : Revision of the indicator “Progress in the management contaminated sites ” , EUR 29124 EN, Publications Office of the Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-80073-3 (print),978-92-79-80072-6 (pdf), doi:10.2760/093804 (online),10.2760 ...
Here, we evaluated country-specific SCS potentials of agricultural land for 24 countries . Based on a detailed survey of available literature, we estimate that between 0.1% and 27% of the agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can potentially be compensated by SCS annually within the next decades.
A strategic research agenda to make better use of land and soils . and land use research is fragmented . Now, researchers and practitioners have developed a comprehensive agenda on key knowledge gaps that research needs to address for the benefit of society now and in the future.
Also there are positive signals; in the recently proposed Green Deal, soils are identified as key element for achieving the ambitious target of a climate neutral Union by 2050, while sustaining the role of soils as a large biodiversity pool .
In response to growing concerns over conservation issues , on 3–4 November 1988, 18 experts from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom met and founded the ‘ Society for Conservation’ (ESSC) in Leuven (Belgium) on 4 November 1988 (Fig. 1).
Results at the plot/farm scale showed a small positive impact of SICS on environment and , no effect on sustainability, and small negative impacts on economic and sociocultural dimensions. Modelling showed that different SICS had different impacts across -indicating the importance of understanding local dynamics -wide ...
Knowledge. Themes. Erosion by water. (Baseline) Erosion - Projections by 2050; Historical reconstruction (1860-2018) of erosion rates; Global Erosion; Global Erosion – Future projections; PESERA Model; MESALES Model; G2 Model; Indicators on Erosion; Erodibility ; Global Rainfall Erosivity
Section snippets Study sites and sampling. We selected 24 study sites across . These sites comprise the following four LUC types with six replicate sites each: cropland to grassland and vice versa, cropland to forest and grassland to forest, which are the most relevant LUC types .
Assessing erosion based on data collected through a Network. and Plant Nutrition, 2014. 60 (1):15-29. ↑ Cerdan O, Govers G, Le Bissonnais Y, et al. 2010: Rates and spatial variations of erosion : a study based on erosion plot data. Geomorphology, 122(1–2), 167–177.
Metallurgist. Scientist. Planetary geologist. Teacher. Conservation specialist. Ecologist. Check out TOP Universities Specializing in Natural Sciences, Leading US Universities and top universities in California for a Comprehensive Overview of Global Academic Excellence.
, the Mediterranean areas are a hotspot for erosion and land degradation due to a combination of climatic conditions, soils, geomorphology and anthropic pressure. organic carbon (SOC) is considered a key indicator of quality as it relates to other fundamental functions supporting crucial ecosystem services.
Left: the surface of Arenosols are often unstable in the absence of continuous vegetation cover; Below: stabilized Arenosol with organic matter accumulation at the surface and lamellae in the subsurface; The map shows the location of areas where Arenosols are the dominant type.Cover 1 % of . with significant ...
2.1 Environmental Policy Making . The year 1972 marked the birth of environmental policy at EU level, as well as in the international arena. In this year the Heads of State and of Government adopted a declaration at the October Council Meeting in Paris which emphasized the importance of a Community Environmental Policy and to this end invited the Community Institutions to ...
Groundwater is the major drinking water resource . However, serious deterioration of and groundwater quality has been observed due to pollution from urbanization, industry and intensive agriculture. The lecture will provide a survey of the observed...
It had two goals: one was to inform the participants about the current developments in ecotoxicology (prospective and retrospective risk assessment of PPP in , the current state of risk assessment for plant protection products , available bioassays and bioindicators, and research projects on contaminants in ...
conservation . The state of the art of erosion research has recently been described in great detail in the book Erosion . The present website is meant as an inventory and overview of the current state of conservátion . The intention is to make existing information on erosion ...
Abstract. salinisation is one of the major degradation threats occurring . The effects of salinisation can be observed in numerous vital ecological and non-ecological functions. Drivers of salinisation can be detected both in the natural and man-made environment, with climate and the foreseen climate change also playing ...
This study is also funded by the Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (H2020-RUR-2017-2) as part of the LANDSUPPORT project (grant agreement No. 774234), which aims at developing a decision support system for optimising management .
The aim of this manuscript was to develop a methodology for the assessment of the sustainability of improving cropping systems (SICS) . For this purpose, a decision tree based on ...
A high resolution spatial assessment of topsoil Zn concentrations • Mean Zn concentration is 47 mg kg −1. • One percent of all samples had concentrations above 167 mg kg −1. • texture and pH are most important drivers for the variation in topsoil Zn. • Highest Zn concentrations are found near Zn deposits ...
Environmental quality is a major political concern and the important role of the is widely recognized. However, still has an important role to play in translating good intentions into policies supporting the implementation of innovative management procedures that can ensure sustainable production systems in harmony with nature.
conservation started to gain political attention during the last decade of the 20th Century and it became rapidly obvious that conservation was a complex issue, particularly , where long historical development has had a deep impact on resources (Imeson et al., 2006). Due to the potential of for ...
Figure Estimated erosion by water Calculated by the Revised Universal Loss Equation (RUSLE). While the overall patterns of erosion are generally sound, the validation of erosion data can be challenging.
Downloadable! compaction (SC) is a major threat for agriculture that affects many ecosystem functions, such as water and air circulation in soils, root growth, and crop production.
ISSN 1018-5593. ISBN 978-92-79-22805-6. DOI 10.2788/75626. Catalogue number LB-NA-25186-EN-C. Released on EU Publications: 2013-03-11. Show all issues in this serial. This report presents a pan‐ perspective on the state in light of available data held within the Data Centre (ESDAC) and the.
The objective of this article is to assess the current state of knowledge, knowledge use and knowledge gaps concerning sustainable management . This study is based on interviews with 791 stakeholders and 254 researchers and on a comprehensive review of >1800 documents carried out under the Joint Programme on agricultural ...
This paper analyses soils-related policies and in and regions. Our approach breaks down policy packages at , national and regional levels into strategic objectives, operational objectives, policy measures and expected impacts, and assesses the relationships between these elements and stakes.
loss occurs not because of any lack of knowledge on how to protect soils, but a lack in policy governance. The average rate of loss by sheet and rill erosion is 2·46 Mg ha −1 yr −1. To mitigate the impacts of erosion, the Union's Common Agricultural Policy has introduced conservation measures which reduce ...
degradation is a global concern, decreasing the ’s ability to perform a multitude of functions. , one of the leading causes of degradation is unsustainable agricultural practices. Hence, there is a need to explore alternative production systems for enhanced agronomic productivity and environmental performance, such as agroforestry systems (AFS). Given this, the ...
Early systematic mapping dates back to the early times of in the 19th Century and was developed at National scales mostly for taxation purposes. National classification systems emerged out of the various scientific communities active at that time in leading countries like Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, United Kingdom and many others. Different scientific ...
— land is vital. — one of the essential components of land — is a very complex and often undervalued element, teeming with life. Unfortunately, the way we currently use land and and in the world1 is not sustainable. This has significant impacts on life on land2. Throughout history, landscapes have always
Agriculture scholarships to study . Bayer Foundations Jeff Schell Scholarship – Open to students of agricultural sciences and related fields. Scholarships are granted to graduate students from German-speaking countries wishing to study abroad, or to international students who are interested in a study project in Germany.
Szabolcs, I., 1947, Salt-Affected Soils . Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, The Netherlands, and Research Institute for and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Google Scholar Szabolcs, I., 1979, Review on Research of Salt-affected Soils. UNESCO, Paris.
E-mail. studyguidance@. Telephone. +46 (0)18 67 28 00. Telephone hours. Monday 10-12. Tuesday 10-12. Thursday 13-15. This programme is perfect if you would like a double Master’s degree focusing on the relationships between natural resource uses and their effects on the environment and society.