Conservation : Wish or Reality? – Panagos …

loss occurs not because of any lack of knowledge on how to protect soils, but a lack in policy governance. The average rate of loss by sheet and rill erosion is 2·46 Mg ha −1 yr −1. To mitigate the impacts of erosion, the Union's Common Agricultural Policy has introduced conservation measures which reduce ...

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Agroforestry Benefits and Challenges for Adoption …

degradation is a global concern, decreasing the ’s ability to perform a multitude of functions. , one of the leading causes of degradation is unsustainable agricultural practices. Hence, there is a need to explore alternative production systems for enhanced agronomic productivity and environmental performance, such as agroforestry systems (AFS). Given this, the ...

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The History of : The …

Early systematic mapping dates back to the early times of in the 19th Century and was developed at National scales mostly for taxation purposes. National classification systems emerged out of the various scientific communities active at that time in leading countries like Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, United Kingdom and many others. Different scientific ...

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Agriculture scholarships to study . Bayer Foundations Jeff Schell Scholarship – Open to students of agricultural sciences and related fields. Scholarships are granted to graduate students from German-speaking countries wishing to study abroad, or to international students who are interested in a study project in Germany.

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Salinization Potential of Soils | SpringerLink

Szabolcs, I., 1947, Salt-Affected Soils . Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, The Netherlands, and Research Institute for and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Google Scholar Szabolcs, I., 1979, Review on Research of Salt-affected Soils. UNESCO, Paris.

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greatest loss of compared to other erosion processes (e.g. wind erosion). Recent policy developments in the Commission (the Thematic Strategy, the Common Agricultural Policy, 2020, and the 7th Environmental Action Programme) call for quantitative assessments of loss rates at the level.

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[PDF] The State of – Semantic Scholar

@inproceedings{Panagiotis2012TheSO, title={The State of : A contribution of the JRC to the Environment Agency’s Environment State and Outlook Report— SOER 2010}, author={Panagos Panagiotis and B. P. Sara and Bouraoui Faycal and Bosco Claudio and Dewitte Olivier and Gardi Ciro and Erhard Markus and Hervas De Diego ...

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Mapping earthworm communities – ScienceDirect

Existing data sets on earthworm communities were collected, harmonized, collated, modelled and depicted on a biodiversity map. Digital Mapping was applied using multiple regressions relating relatively low density earthworm community data to characteristics, land use, vegetation and climate factors (covariables) with a greater spatial resolution.

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in Support of the EU Thematic Strategy …

Knowledge. Themes. Erosion by water. (Baseline) Erosion - Projections by 2050; Historical reconstruction (1860-2018) of erosion rates; Global Erosion; Global Erosion – Future projections; PESERA Model; MESALES Model; G2 Model; Indicators on Erosion; Erodibility ; Global Rainfall Erosivity

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Opportunities for Mitigating Compaction —Case …

compaction (SC) is a major threat for agriculture that affects many ecosystem functions, such as water and air circulation in soils, root growth, and crop production. Our objective was to present the results from five short-term (<5 years) case studies located along the north–south and east–west gradients and conducted within the SoilCare project using -improving ...

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Conservation Agriculture : How to help farmers …

, the areas under CA have stagnated since the 1980s at around 1 to a few percent depending on the country. Long held back by the myth of the need to work the and by the competition of the development of simplified cultural techniques (SCT), CA has for the past ten years or so, generated a great deal of interest among farmers .

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The role of grassland for erosion and flood mitigation in …

compaction is a major threat where about 32% of soils are highly susceptible and 18% are moderately susceptible to it ( Commission, 2021b). In permanent grasslands, compaction occurs due to animal trampling, machinery wheeling and poaching or pugging (i.e. penetration of surface by the animal hooves).

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Reply to the comment on “The new assessment of loss by …

The new assessment of loss by water erosion based on RUSLE2015 (Panagos et al., 2015a) was criticized in a comment by Fiener and Auerswald (2015).The objective of the pan- assessment was not to challenge any regional- or national-scale modelling but to develop a harmonized assessment aiming to improve our knowledge and understanding of erosion by water across the ...

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EEA SIGNALS 2019 – Land and — …

For all species — animals and plants living on land or water — land is vital. — one of the essential components of land — is a very complex and often undervalued element, teeming with life. Unfortunately, the way we currently use land and and in the world is not sustainable. This has significant impacts on life on land.

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A review of earthworm impact on function and ecosystem …

from various land-use types under temperate climate conditions suggest that the amount of brought to the surface by earthworms annually as castings is about 40 t ha −1 year −1 (based on 19 studies), contributing about 0.4 cm (based on 13 studies) of topsoil per year. Under a temperate climate, earthworms can thus potentially ...

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Mercury topsoils: Anthropogenic sources, stocks …

Coupling Hg stocks in topsoil with losses and sediment distribution . • Hg displaced by water erosion is c.a. 43 Mg yr − 1 and c.a. 6 Mg Hg yr − 1 reach the rivers. • Agricultural lands contributes to more than 85% of Hg losses. • The Mediterranean Sea receives almost half of the Hg fluxes followed by Black Sea.

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Dataset that contains 3 GIS maps showing (for microorganisms, for fauna,forbiological functions), along with 13 input layers (habitat fragmentation, climate change, erosion, etc.); resolution 500m. Because of the increasing pressures exerted on , below-ground life is under threat.

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Assessing the phosphorus demand agricultural …

Analysis of P status was carried out with the model based on clay and pH (Fig. 3) since it was not easy to find reliable and current information on average annual rainfall at all sampling points of the LUCAS project. Additionally, rainfall is the most changeable predictive factor, and annual variation can be significant in ...

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Down to earth: degradation and sustainable development …

A challenge for the 21st century Environmental issue series No 16 Cover design and layout: Schultz Grafisk Legal notice Neither the Environment Agency or UNEP nor any person or company acting on behalf of them, is responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained in this report. Where are the " hot spots " of degradation ?

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Maps of heavy metals in the soils of the Union and …

contamination is one of the greatest concerns among the threats to resources and globally. Despite of its importance there was only very course scale (1/5000 km 2) data available on heavy metal concentrations prior to the LUCAS topsoil survey, which had a sampling density of 200 km 2. Based on the results of the LUCAS ...

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the result of …

By using a biochemistry-erosion model framework, Lugato et al. (2018) quantified the impact of the future climate in the C cycle at a scale and concluded that erosion is unlikely to be a future carbon sink . erosion modellers face also the challenge to propose to policy makers specific guidelines to reduce ...

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Historical reconstruction of erosion

Description: This dataset includes the past reconstruction of erosion rates (incuding UK, Switzerland and Western balkans). The data provided have are aggregated per decade starting from 1860. The erosion change is driven by changes in land use and rainfall erosivity. The simulations have been done using the CE-DYNAM model.

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EuroSOMNET—a database for long-term experiments on …

Although a collection of metadata exists on long-term experiments , related to the turnover of organic matter, a convenient method to access the actual data was required. The EuroSOMNET database has been designed in order to save detailed information from those experiments. The data model contains five pools of information: basics ...

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Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural …

@inproceedings{Paz2021TowardsCS, title={Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils : Deliverable 2.1 Synthesis of the impacts of sustainable management practices }, author={Alba Vila Paz and Wieke Vervuurt and Janjo de Haan and Heide Spiegel and Corina Carranca and Julia Miloczki and Carlos Gonçalves and N ...

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— …

There are an estimated 340 000 contaminated pieces of land , most of which are yet to be identified, according to a new -wide assessment. contamination widespread ... Managing contaminated land costs an estimated € 6.5 billion per year. Much of this is paid by companies but there is also a high public cost.

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