organic carbon under conservation agriculture in …

This study is also funded by the Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (H2020-RUR-2017-2) as part of the LANDSUPPORT project (grant agreement No. 774234), which aims at developing a decision support system for optimising management .

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iSOIL project (Interactions between related sciences)

iSOIL data are integrated into the Data Centre (ESDAC) in order to enhance the collaboration on, and further use of, the data generated in the iSOIL project, also beyopnd the project's lifetime. The data can be downloaded for free and used under the conditions set in the License agreement. More information about the iSoil Project.

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Organic matter in the soils of : Present status and …

Data. Datasets. Database & properties; Functions Data; Threats Data; Point Data; Projects Data; Maps & Documents. Atlases; Maps; Documents; Knowledge. Themes. Erosion by water. (Baseline) Erosion - Projections by 2050; Historical reconstruction (1860-2018) of erosion rates ...

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British Society of – Wiley Online Library

The Journal of (EJSS) is an international journal that publishes outstanding papers in that advance the theoretical and mechanistic understanding of physical, chemical and biological processes and their interactions in soils acting from molecular to continental scales in natural and managed environments

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LUCAS Biodiversity and LUCAS Pesticides, new tools …

The variables considered for the selection were physical and chemical properties from LUCAS 2009 ( Commission, 2022), topography (elevation, slope and wetness index derived from Digital Elevation Model over [EU-DEM]), climate (1970–2000 average monthly precipitation and temperatures derived from WorldClim bioclimatic ...

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The only non-representative class is the elevation above 1000 m where LUCAS points were rarely sampled.. 2.3. Organic carbon content (%) in topsoils dataset. The current (modeled) dataset of the SOC distribution available at scale (known as OCTOP; Jones et al., 2005) is used both by EU policy makers as input for developing strategies for protection and by scientific communities ...

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National data in EU countries, where do we stand?

The launch of the EJP programme that associates many countries, allowed to gather and elaborate an unprecedented detailed vision of the current state of the available information at the country scale, which is much needed in the current context of the Mission “A deal for ” and for the elaboration of a ...

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EU Observatory (EUSO) – Commission – EU Hub

The recent proposal by the Commission for a Health and Food Mission - ‘Caring for is caring for life’ - has set the ambitious challenge of ensuring that, by 2030, 75% of EU soils are healthy for food, people, nature and climate. It is no surprise that is the glue that binds the different strategies of the Green Deal.

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Saline and Sodic Soils Union – Database

The Saline and Sodic Soils Map shows the area distribution of saline, sodic and potentially salt affected areas within the Union. The accuracy of input input data only allows the designation of salt affected areas with a limited level of reliability (e.g. < 50 or > 50% of the area); therefore the results represented in the map should ...

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monitoring and resilience in the EU

Impact assessment (SWD(2023) 417, SWD(2023) 418 (summary)) accompanying the Commission proposal for a directive of the Parliament and of the Council on monitoring and resilience ( Monitoring Law), COM(2023) 416. This briefing provides an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Commission's impact ...

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Barriers and opportunities of knowledge to address …

The Joint Programme for (EJP ) started in 2020 with the aim to significantly improve management knowledge and create a sustainable and integrated research system. EJP involves more than 350 scientists across 24 Countries and has been addressing multiple aspects associated with management across ...

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A for studies on …

In this paper we describe the GCTE global Organic Matter Network (SOMNET) before focusing on the . We then select two examples from the site network and demonstrate how such data can be used to (a) track long-term changes in organic matter, (b) evaluate and compare organic matter models, and (c) make rough estimates of the potential ...

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Guidelines on best practice to limit, mitigate and compensate …

Description. This report is a staff working document of the Commission to develop guidelines on sealing best practices. The aim of the document is to provide information on the magnitude of sealing in the EU, its impacts and examples of best practices.

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Estimating organic carbon based on data …

1. Introduction. SOC levels directly affect environmental processes such as erosion, fertility and greenhouse gas fluxes. At a global scale, SOC data are of relevance since “soils” is among the mandatory carbon pools to be reported on under the “Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry” (LULUCF) activities listed in articles 3.3 and 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol (UNFCCC, 1998).

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GMD – Afforestation impact on temperature in regional …

Abstract. In the context of the first phase of the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment in the domain (EURO-CORDEX) flagship plot study on Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS), we investigate the biophysical impact of afforestation on the seasonal cycle of temperature over the continent with an ensemble of 10 regional climate models.

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The state of – Publications Office of the EU

ISSN 1018-5593. ISBN 978-92-79-22805-6. DOI 10.2788/75626. Catalogue number LB-NA-25186-EN-C. Released on EU Publications: 2013-03-11. Show all issues in this serial. This report presents a pan‐ perspective on the state in light of available data held within the Data Centre (ESDAC) and the.

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Sustainable management: knowledge use and gaps in …

The objective of this article is to assess the current state of knowledge, knowledge use and knowledge gaps concerning sustainable management . This study is based on interviews with 791 stakeholders and 254 researchers and on a comprehensive review of >1800 documents carried out under the Joint Programme on agricultural ...

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PhD scholarship – microbial ecology – ESDAC – …

71 raster data (GeoTIFF) derived from the Database v2. 16. Apr. 2024. EU Observatory (EUSO team) has published 46 scientific papers in 2023. 10. Apr. 2024. For the entire EU, we provide estimates of sediments removal costs based on 3 quantification methods as documented in the publication.

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An assessment of policies affecting Sustainable …

This paper analyses soils-related policies and in and regions. Our approach breaks down policy packages at , national and regional levels into strategic objectives, operational objectives, policy measures and expected impacts, and assesses the relationships between these elements and stakes.

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) – Environment Agency

The ) contains currently many data and information; most of the offered data are at scale, while, when possible, links to national or global datasets are provided. Datasets are organized in some broad categories. A first category contains the Database (ESDB), datasets that have been derived with the help of the ESDB and general ...

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Engaging Citizens in : the road to Healthier …

Empowering citizens to preserve health. health faces a critical challenge, threatening ecosystems and livelihoods. Degraded soils endanger agriculture, biodiversity and water quality. In this context, the EU-funded ECHO project aims to empower citizens through knowledge, data collection and decision-making.

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A call for collaboration to create the Atlas of …

Here, we aim to collect a maximum of already published or available data on fauna (micro-meso- and macro-fauna) from the territory, by creating the first comprehensive ‘ Atlas of Fauna’. With this initiative, we envision a vibrant collaborative effort in which ‘data owners’ become ‘co-creators’ of the ...

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Salt Affected Soils – ESDAC – Commission

71 raster data (GeoTIFF) derived from the Database v2. 16. Apr. 2024. EU Observatory (EUSO team) has published 46 scientific papers in 2023. 10. Apr. 2024. For the entire EU, we provide estimates of sediments removal costs based on 3 quantification methods as documented in the publication.

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