The European Confederation of Soil Science Societies

A SOIL VOICE FOR . Mission. The objectives of the ECSSS shall be to foster collaboration and co-operation amongst the National Societies of Soil in and amongst soil scientists in all branches of the soil sciences and their applications, and to give support to the above in the pursuit of their activities.

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Do we speak one language on the way to sustainable …

vey, conducted within the - community of and other important -related stakeholders. It is based on a large body of -derived definitions of terminology related to functions, ecosystem ser-vices (SESs) and threats (STs). Survey participants rated their agreement with each definition and the suit-

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New composition data for and Australia …

Highlights New continental-scale geochemistry data are provided for Australia and . Procedures to guarantee comparability of the datasets are demonstrated. Element concentrations show 3 to 5 orders of magnitude variation on both continents. The data provided define the geochemical background at the continental scale. Tight analytical quality control is a key requirement for ...

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CROPS: a new EU-funded project to grow citizen

In February 2024, a new EU-funded project kicked off. CROPS – short for curating, replicating, orchestrating, and propagating citizen across – is a three-year project that brings together six partners from six different countries to develop and demonstrate a modern, inclusive mechanism to support the upscaling of citizen activities and beyond.

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Assessing biodiversity potentials – PubMed

The current knowledge on the effects of physico-chemical properties on biota and the available data at continental scale open the way towards such an evaluation. In this study, the habitat potential for biodiversity was assessed and mapped for the first time throughout by combining several features (pH, texture and ...

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to policy – EJP

The ‘Resources, Infrastructure and Capabilities Inventory (RICI)’ is an online platform for policy stakeholders. RICI provides access to a pool of specialized scientists and experts at local, regional and national level across . The RICI is like the "yellow pages" for expertise on . RICI is the catalogued scientific ...

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Countries across make progress on tackling …

The scientists call for a common framework to help national governments in their efforts to prevent and remediate contamination. Tracking progress across . An average of 3.6 contaminated sites per square kilometre of artificial surface are registered in the country inventories of EU Member States.

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The of – Database

The major types of . with subsurface accumulation of low activity clay minerals and low base saturation (from the Latin, acris, meaning very acid). An Acrisol is a highly weathered occurring in warm temperate regions and the wetter parts of the tropics and subtropics. Acrisols have poor chemical properties, low levels of ...

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Agricultural Soils – Special Demands Related to …

salinization. The incremental loss and deterioration of 's resource is expected to continue, and will probably increase as a result of climate and land-use changes. From the Environmental Agency it was estimated that 220 million ha of (11% of the degraded soils worldwide) are degraded due to one or several of

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Influence of climate, , and land cover on plant species …

From ESDAC, we included only predictors of ecological relevance for plant species with full spatial coverage, namely, the 3D Hydraulic Database of (Tóth et al. 2017), the Database derived data (Hiederer 2013a, b) and the Topsoil Organic Content for (Jones et al. 2005). SoilGrids variables were chosen based on ...

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Assessing the contribution of NO x emissions to …

The faster decline of non-agricultural sources compared to agricultural sources has led to a consistent increase in the contribution of agricultural NO x emissions from 3.2% in 1990 to 5.9% in 2017 in Eastern , and from 3.8% in 1990 to 7.4% in 2017 in Western (figure 2 ). Figure 2.

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Annual Conference Programme 2023 – British Society of …

Benchmarking Health across The recent proposal for a Monitoring and Resilience Directive by the Commission states that 60-70% of soils are currently considered unhealthy due to e.g. pollution, excess nutrients compaction and degradation. In light of this worrying figure, the SH&F mission has set the goal ...

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A -wide inventory of NO emissions using the …

The simulations for forest NO emissions are in agreement with field observations by Van Dijk and Duyzer (1999) for a N-affected forest stand in the Netherlands and with results from field measurements of NO fluxes at several sites across within the NOFRETETE project (Pilegaard et al., 2006).

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-Improving Cropping Systems for Sustainable and …

Results at the plot/farm scale showed a small positive impact of SICS on environment and , no effect on sustainability, and small negative impacts on economic and sociocultural dimensions. Modelling showed that different SICS had different impacts across -indicating the importance of understanding local dynamics -wide ...

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SoilScience Education – ESDAC – Commission

Knowledge. Themes. Erosion by water. (Baseline) Erosion - Projections by 2050; Historical reconstruction (1860-2018) of erosion rates; Global Erosion; Global Erosion – Future projections; PESERA Model; MESALES Model; G2 Model; Indicators on Erosion; Erodibility ; Global Rainfall Erosivity

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Funding & tenders – Die Europäische Kommission

The Mission ‘A Deal for ’ proposes a novel approach to research and innovation in the area of health, including the implementation of living labs. Living labs have the potential to empower a green transition towards healthy soils by developing solutions in a co-creative manner and involving actors in real life settings at ...

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Mission , €90 million from the EU for 17 research projects

The tools in the field for health. The EU mission “A deal for ” kicked off in September 2021, as part of the Horizon programme. Its aim is to guide the transition to restore the health of continental soils by the end of the decade, through the creation of a network of 100 living labs and lighthouse farms that act as models of good practices in the use of agricultural ...

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World Day 2023: Advancing how health is monitored …

Carrying out harmonised assessment and monitoring the health of soils across ’s different ecosystems and land uses is crucial but complex. In recognition of this, in July 2023, the Commission proposed a new law that focuses on improving monitoring to support the restoration and sustainable use of EU soils.

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Postdoc in Microbial Ecology of Forest Soils | EURAXESS

The person will be involved in the study of the structural and functional response of the microbiome to forest management, disturbances and global change across and will have the opportunity to collaborate with leading groups in this research field. WE SEEK We expect that the applicant has the following qualifications:

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Questions and Answers on a Directive on Monitoring and …

Certification of health can bring better recognition of the best practices carried out by farmers, as they can be financially rewarded for keeping the in good condition Farmers will have more access to innovation, funding, data, knowledge, advice and training, notably via the Horizon 's Mission “A Deal for ”.

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The major types of – ESDAC – Commission

Left: the surface of Arenosols are often unstable in the absence of continuous vegetation cover; Below: stabilized Arenosol with organic matter accumulation at the surface and lamellae in the subsurface; The map shows the location of areas where Arenosols are the dominant type.Cover 1 % of . with significant ...

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| Wiley Online Books

Provides a unique and comprehensive assessment of erosion throughout , an important aspect to control and manage if landscapes are to be sustained for the future. Written in two parts, primarily focuses on current issues, area specific erosion rates, on and off-site impacts, government responses, conservation measures, and erosion risk maps. The ...

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The spatial distribution of soils across : A fractal …

The geographical extent of each particular type was mathematically idealized as a two-dimensional flat surface. The digital map of was overlaid with grid layers of different linear sizes (20, 40, 80, 160, 200, 800, 1600 and 2000 km), providing three orders of magnitude—i.e. from 2 × 10 1 up to 2 × 10 3.

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signs Declaration on Research Assessment

’s signature formalises this lasting and fruitful relationship. Back in 2019, respondents to ’s flagship study of the research assessment practices highlighted the role of DORA principles in promoting reflections on research assessment policies and practices. The subsequent Position and ...

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challenges beyond publication issues – Bouma – 2021 …

health is a big topic in the USA, and “ Health and Food” is one of only five “Missions” defined for the new massive Horizon research programme for 2021–2027. But, and there I agree with Baveye, has to rise to the occasion and it will not succeed with a business-as-usual approach.

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EU Mission ‘A Deal for ’: ten new projects to …

The EU Mission 'A Deal for ' aims to lead the transition towards healthy soils by 2030. Research is key to achieving its objectives . To support the development of a coherent research and innovation (R&I) portfolio, the project SOLO aims to co-create and identify knowledge gaps, priorities, novel approaches, and key performance ...

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LUCAS Biodiversity and LUCAS Pesticides, new tools …

The variables considered for the selection were physical and chemical properties from LUCAS 2009 ( Commission, 2022), topography (elevation, slope and wetness index derived from Digital Elevation Model over [EU-DEM]), climate (1970–2000 average monthly precipitation and temperatures derived from WorldClim bioclimatic ...

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Farming by : status and outlook of cropping …

quality, including water management and nutrient availability is an essential, yet quite variable property of types, therefore we performed our analysis for based on types, defined as Reference Groups (FAO, ISSS & ISRIC, 1998). To enable integrated analysis of complexity in the climate--crop system, cropping ...

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Map of pH — Discover the key services …

Description. The JRC created a quantitative map of estimated pH values across from a compilation of 12,333 pH measurements from 11 different sources, and using a geo-statistical framework based on Regression-Kriging. The map can be downloaded as a graphical file or as data. Its spatial coverage is 25 Member States of the ...

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Maps of indicators of for

maps (2016) for : for Water retention of topsoil: saturated water content (cm3/cm3), water content at field capacity (cm3/cm3), water content at wilting point (cm3/cm3); for Hydraulic conductivity of topsoil: saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm/day). Besides the true values in the units mentioned values scaled ...

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