Questions and Answers on a Directive on Monitoring and …

Certification of health can bring better recognition of the best practices carried out by farmers, as they can be financially rewarded for keeping the in good condition Farmers will have more access to innovation, funding, data, knowledge, advice and training, notably via the Horizon 's Mission “A Deal for ”.

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: A case …

For the above distinctions certainly apply and this will be illustrated by discussing the unique challenge faced by , now that a “Thematic Strategy for Protection” is adopted by the EU Commission. This may include a legally binding framework directive. Adoption of such a strategy at EU level is to be ...

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Protection Policies in the Union | SpringerLink

2.1 Environmental Policy Making . The year 1972 marked the birth of environmental policy at EU level, as well as in the international arena. In this year the Heads of State and of Government adopted a declaration at the October Council Meeting in Paris which emphasized the importance of a Community Environmental Policy and to this end invited the Community Institutions to ...

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Critical range of organic carbon in southern …

, the Mediterranean areas are a hotspot for erosion and land degradation due to a combination of climatic conditions, soils, geomorphology and anthropic pressure. organic carbon (SOC) is considered a key indicator of quality as it relates to other fundamental functions supporting crucial ecosystem services.

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Postdoc in Microbial Ecology of Forest Soils | EURAXESS

The person will be involved in the study of the structural and functional response of the microbiome to forest management, disturbances and global change across and will have the opportunity to collaborate with leading groups in this research field. WE SEEK We expect that the applicant has the following qualifications:

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quality …

To manage the use of agricultural soils well, decision-makers need -based, easy-to-apply and cost-effective tools to assess changes in quality and function. The Commission, the Government of China and the Government of Switzerland co-funded the research project “Interactive Quality Assessment and China for ...

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The major types of – ESDAC – Commission

Left: the surface of Arenosols are often unstable in the absence of continuous vegetation cover; Below: stabilized Arenosol with organic matter accumulation at the surface and lamellae in the subsurface; The map shows the location of areas where Arenosols are the dominant type.Cover 1 % of . with significant ...

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Postdoctoral Researcher in and Agroforestry …

The Biology Group at Wageningen University and Research is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join their team and investigate the effects of agroforestry management on carbon cycling and its sensitivity to climate warming and drought. Agroforestry has emerged as a potential adaptation strategy of farms against climate change.

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The spatial distribution of soils across : A fractal …

The geographical extent of each particular type was mathematically idealized as a two-dimensional flat surface. The digital map of was overlaid with grid layers of different linear sizes (20, 40, 80, 160, 200, 800, 1600 and 2000 km), providing three orders of magnitude—i.e. from 2 × 10 1 up to 2 × 10 3.

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Remote Sensing | Free Full-Text | A Erosion Indicator …

erosion is one of the eight threats in the Thematic Strategy, the main policy instrument dedicated to protection in the Union (EU). During the last decade, erosion indicators have been included in monitoring the performance of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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| Wiley Online Books

Provides a unique and comprehensive assessment of erosion throughout , an important aspect to control and manage if landscapes are to be sustained for the future. Written in two parts, primarily focuses on current issues, area specific erosion rates, on and off-site impacts, government responses, conservation measures, and erosion risk maps. The ...

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Greenhouse gas emissions from soils under different …

In order to estimate potential greenhouse gas flux rates from soils under different land use and climate, and to particularly assess the influence of temperature and moisture, we measured fluxes of nitrous oxide (N 2 O), nitric oxide (NO), carbon dioxide (CO 2) and methane (CH 4) from intact cores obtained from 13 sites ...

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Provision of metadata of agricultural long-term …

The study has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the grant scheme BonaRes – as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy, grant number 031B 0511B. EJP has received funding from the Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme: Grant agreement No 862695.

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acid …

The complete wind and water erosion datasets are available via the Data Centre (ESDAC, 2017). Glyphosate and AMPA concentration data is represented at the basic region NUTS2 level and not on exact locations due to privacy issues, and plotted together with erosion rates (although the different time scales; the erosion maps are ...

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Identification of Resources Problems Russia

Such runoff and rainfall events with 10–20 years return period produce 70–80% of the total long-term sheet and rill erosion. The erosion rates for the Russia were calculated on 1980 and on 2012. The Universal Loss Equation (Wischmeier and Smith 1978) was used to calculate loss from rainfall.

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signs Declaration on Research Assessment

’s signature formalises this lasting and fruitful relationship. Back in 2019, respondents to ’s flagship study of the research assessment practices highlighted the role of DORA principles in promoting reflections on research assessment policies and practices. The subsequent Position and ...

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How does national SOC monitoring on agricultural soils align …

functioning contributes to the delivery of a vast range of ecosystem goods and services, and ecosystem health is therefore reflected by the capacity of the to perform underlying functions. organic carbon (SOC) is a key indicator for quality as it is an integral driver of many functions and associated ecosystem services.

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Current developments in ecotoxicology and the need for …

It had two goals: one was to inform the participants about the current developments in ecotoxicology (prospective and retrospective risk assessment of PPP in , the current state of risk assessment for plant protection products , available bioassays and bioindicators, and research projects on contaminants in ...

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Do Agricultural Advisory Services Have the Capacity …

Indeed, health is seen as “a key solution for our big challenges” in the newly launched Union (EU) Strategy, which builds on the Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy [3,4]. For agricultural soils, health and managing sustainably are regarded as central to food system transition pathways such as ...

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The Natural History Museum (NHM) is a world-class visitor attraction and leading research centre and commercial event space. There are 350 scientific staff working across Life Sciences and Earth Sciences Departments with molecular laboratories, sequencing facilities and imaging centre in the Core Research Facilities. We use our unique collections with 80 million specimens, laboratory […]

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organic matter matters – Die Europäische Kommission

In 2002, the identified declining organic matter content as one of the most serious causes of degradation, especially in southern . Mediterranean climates tend to have higher temperatures and suffer more from drought and heavy rain. This can speed up the decomposition of organic

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Annual Days 2024 –

The event will consist of: The Annual Days & t he General Meeting. Time for project meetings, board meetings, and a possible field trip. Preliminary programme overview: Monday and Tuesday. Preliminary programme overview: Wednesday and Thursday. For any questions about registration please contact

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Gap assessment in current monitoring networks across …

At EU-level, the Commission remains committed to the objective of protection through the EU Thematic Strategy and the 7th Environment Action Programme (Publications Office of the Union 2013) with the objectives that by 2020 'land is managed sustainably in the Union, is adequately protected and the remediation of ...

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Erosion map of based on high resolution input …

Erodibility is an integrated annual value of the profile reaction to the process of detachment and transport by raindrops & surface flow. Combines the influence of Texture, Organic carbon, structure, Permeability, coarse fragments and Stone cover. 20,000 Land use/cover survey (LUCAS) samples with measured data.

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challenges beyond publication issues – Bouma – 2021 …

health is a big topic in the USA, and “ Health and Food” is one of only five “Missions” defined for the new massive Horizon research programme for 2021–2027. But, and there I agree with Baveye, has to rise to the occasion and it will not succeed with a business-as-usual approach.

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