sampling guidelines for pollution studies

The sampling guidelines used countries (ESSG), as kindly provided by the national institutions which participated in the project, have been recorded, studied, evaluated and presented in this paper. The aim has been to ascertain what sampling guidelines exist ; to detect similarities and differences (comparable ...

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Postdoc on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

A three year Postdoc is available in the project “ biota as drivers of ecosystem functioning and nutrient cycling”. This project is funded by the Swiss National Foundation. Tasks In this project you will investigate how changes in biodiversity and land use intensity influence nutrient cycling, ecosystem functioning and ...

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Effects of Agri-Environment Schemes in Terms of the Results …

interacts with terrestrial carbon storage in land systems. By summarizing the very different estimates of carbon storage regarding the different farm, , and climate conditions of ’s agriculture, Nowicki states that the carbon storage capacity of grasslands supersedes the carbon storage capacity of arable soils [12].

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Mapping earthworm communities – ScienceDirect

Existing data sets on earthworm communities were collected, harmonized, collated, modelled and depicted on a biodiversity map. Digital Mapping was applied using multiple regressions relating relatively low density earthworm community data to characteristics, land use, vegetation and climate factors (covariables) with a greater spatial resolution.

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Indicators for pan- assessment and monitoring of …

The Database (Heineke et al., 1998) provides a harmonised and spatial coverage of types and descriptions, based on FAO nomenclature, at a resolution of 1:1 m scale (ca. 1 km ×1 km) in all participating countries. The basic spatial units are the mapping units (SMU)—polygons representing areas of the same ...

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Translating into environmental policy: A case …

For the above distinctions certainly apply and this will be illustrated by discussing the unique challenge faced by , now that a “Thematic Strategy for Protection” is adopted by the EU Commission. This may include a legally binding framework directive. Adoption of such a strategy at EU level is to be ...

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Macro and Microplastic in Agricultural Systems – CORDIS

It will also train a new generation of leading experts. The project aims to identify the plastic cycle within agricultural systems and support the development of environmental policies related to mitigating the impact of plastics. The findings will advance our knowledge about the sustainable use of plastics agriculture.

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The Erasmus Mundus Master in (emiSS)

The Erasmus Mundus Master in (emiSS) will raise and meet the need for qualified and skilled scientists at the master level through a training programme bringing together ( physics, chemistry, biology and hydrology, genesis and classification, pollution and reclamation), management ( erosion and conservation, land use, planning and management ...

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Project manager for the project Horizon within the …

The project manager (PM) will play a central role the project and will be a full member of the project team. Working side-by-side with the project coordinator, the PM will coordinate the exchanges within the consortium and facilitate the consortium’s overall management conformity with the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement. These responsibilities include a wide set of tasks ...

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Digging deep—implementation, standardisation and …

Over the past decades, thousands of different per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have been produced and applied in various industrial processes and consumer products. Their structural diversity has reached a level that cannot be covered by classical target screening methods for individual compounds. Large-scale contaminations of , however, require the need to adapt new analytical ...

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Status of local contamination

’ A report by the JRC in collaboration with the Information and Observation Network (Eionet) national reference centres for Authors Ana Payá Pérez, Natalia Rodríguez Eugenio 2018 Infographic showing the most frequent words in national/regional laws and strategies addressing contamination and non-related to EU policies.

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in Support of the EU Thematic Strategy …

Knowledge. Themes. Erosion by water. (Baseline) Erosion - Projections by 2050; Historical reconstruction (1860-2018) of erosion rates; Global Erosion; Global Erosion – Future projections; PESERA Model; MESALES Model; G2 Model; Indicators on Erosion; Erodibility ; Global Rainfall Erosivity

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Opportunities for Mitigating Compaction —Case …

compaction (SC) is a major threat for agriculture that affects many ecosystem functions, such as water and air circulation in soils, root growth, and crop production. Our objective was to present the results from five short-term (<5 years) case studies located along the north–south and east–west gradients and conducted within the SoilCare project using -improving ...

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Measured organic matter fractions can be related to …

J. Leifeld. a Agroscope ART Reckenholz-Tänikon, Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology and Agriculture, Air Pollution/Climate Group, Reckenholzstrasse 191, CH-8046 Zürich, Switzerland, b Geographisches Institut der Universität Zürich, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland and c Department of Plant and , Cruickshank Building, Aberdeen University, St Machar Drive, Aberdeen AB24 ...

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Wildfires : Burned soils require attention

To accomplish an post-fire erosion assessment, this study involved three main sources of data (Fig. 1), a meta-data resulting from bibliographic research on field and modelling post-fire studies, previous erosion assessments at scale for baseline estimations, and spatial data for the determination of wildfires impact on ecosystems and the correspondent vegetation ...

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Conservation Agriculture : How to help farmers …

, the areas under CA have stagnated since the 1980s at around 1 to a few percent depending on the country. Long held back by the myth of the need to work the and by the competition of the development of simplified cultural techniques (SCT), CA has for the past ten years or so, generated a great deal of interest among farmers .

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in …

In densely populated western fertility research started because there was little spare land, whereas in the Russian Empire and the United States land was amply available and survey developed. Since the second World War, has greatly benefited from new instrumentation and developments in other sciences.

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A step towards a holistic assessment of degradation in …

where SOC is the organic carbon content of the spatially explicit topsoil layer (Mg ha −1 in the 0–30 cm) computed for (1 km grid cell resolution) (Lugato et al., 2016), SL is the net loss estimated by WaTEM/SEDEM (Mg ha −1 yr −1), BD is the bulk density (Mg m 3) derived from the topsoil physical properties map at ...

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Combining Databases for Topsoil … – PLOS

Accuracy in assessing the distribution of (SOC) is an important issue because of playing key roles in the functions of both natural ecosystems and agricultural systems. There are several studies in the literature with the aim of finding the best method to assess and map the distribution of SOC content for . Therefore this study aims searching for another aspect of ...

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Bypass and hyperbole in research: Worrisome practices …

They found roles for functions in virtually all of them, except SDGs 5, 10, 14 and 17, which assumes, among other things, that we in the community have nothing to contribute to gender issues, although in some countries almost all the preparation of soils for cropping is carried out by women, or to the research on the “land ...

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– A review

This review provides a summary of studies analysing metal concentrations in soils and solution at roadsides. The data collected during 27 studies covering a total of 64 sites across a number of countries were summarised. Highest median values of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn were determined in the top layer at the first 5 m ...

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to policy …

In this context, the Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) has established the Data Centre (ESDAC) as a unique focal point for data and information at Union level [7]. During the last 12 years (since the Thematic Strategy adopted), the ESDAC has developed bio-physical models for better assessing the ...

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Soils for | SOLO | Project | Fact sheet | HORIZON …

The EU Mission ‘A Deal for ’ is leading the transition towards healthy soils by 2030. Research is key to achieving eight ambitious objectives that include reducing desertification, conserving organic carbon stocks and improving structure to enhance biodiversity. In this context, the EU-funded SOLO project will ...

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Advances in the study of erosion by water in Mexico …

Keeping in mind that erosion is a matter of priority in Mexico and that the United Nations guidelines with respect to erosion for workgroups and scientific communities are to make known the research results (FAO & IPTS, 2015), the aim of the present article is to identify the main research strategies for the study of the estimation ...

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Journal of | EVISA’s Journals Database

The Journal of , as one of the premier journals in the field, fosters that understanding by publishing the latest significant findings of research, the description of new techniques, and up-to-date authoritative and critical reviews over the whole field of and its applications. Journal of ...

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Atlas of the Region – ESDAC …

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner for Research, Innovation and , launched the Atlas on 4th May 2010 in Brussels at the Parliament at the inauguration of an exhibition on the work of the Commission's Joint Research Centre . Press release: New atlas underlines significant role of soils in climate change

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Permanent grasslands : Land use change and …

Permanent grasslands across are very diverse in appearance (Fig. 1).This is partly driven by inherent factors such as climate and , but also by varying intensities of grassland management, resulting in continuous gradients of fertilisation and defoliation (mowing or grazing) intensities (Blüthgen et al., 2012).

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and land – Commission – Environment

The EU strategy for 2030 sets out a framework and concrete measures to protect and restore soils, and ensure that they are used sustainably. A new Monitoring Law will put the EU on a pathway to healthy soils by 2050. This proposal for the first-ever EU legislation on soils provides a harmonised definition of health, puts in place ...

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The role of grassland for erosion and flood mitigation in …

compaction is a major threat where about 32% of soils are highly susceptible and 18% are moderately susceptible to it ( Commission, 2021b). In permanent grasslands, compaction occurs due to animal trampling, machinery wheeling and poaching or pugging (i.e. penetration of surface by the animal hooves).

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