(PDF) Soils and the Green Deal – ResearchGate
Soils play a central role in achieving the goals of the Green Deal. Human health and wellbeing are closely connected with health and sustainable management (Montanarella, 2020 ...
Soils play a central role in achieving the goals of the Green Deal. Human health and wellbeing are closely connected with health and sustainable management (Montanarella, 2020 ...
organic matter (SOM) can be a source or sink for atmospheric CO 2 depending on land use, and management of , vegetation and water resources. SOM is a source of atmospheric CO 2, with the use of extractive farming practices that lead to a negative nutrient balance and exacerbate degradation. The historic loss of C from the SOM pool ...
has never seemed so topical, providing services underpinning our existence (Haygarth & Ritz, 2009) while addressing sustainable development and global grand challenges (Lal et al., 2021). It is thus timely to see this collection led by early career scientists on Innovations in to Address Global Grand Challenges ...
Win a € 10,000 Scholarship! Embark on your journey with the Studyportals Scholarship! We're giving away a total of 20,000 euros to help you achieve your dream of studying abroad. Apply for Scholarship. from University of Manitoba consists of a combination of coursework and a research component.
In the event that an author is not able to cover the costs of reproducing colour figures in colour in the printed version of the journal, Journal of offers authors the opportunity to reproduce colour figures in colour for free in the online version of the article (but they will still appear in black and white in the print ...
The core of this report was prepared for the Assessment on , which forms part of the 'The Environment - state and outlook 2010 Report' (SOER) 20102, coordinated by the Environment Agency (EEA). This Reference Report uses data from the Data Centre (ESDAC), managed on behalf of EU institutions by the JRC.
phosphorus over a period of agricultural change in Scotland Andrew Tweedie , Philip M. Haygarth , Anthony Edwards , Allan Lilly , Nikki Baggaley , Marc Stutter , First Published: 08 October 2021
The latest published LUCAS survey dates from 2018. It provides observations at more than 330.000 points surveyed in the EU Member States that are the basis for statistical report. data are collected and analysed through the LUCAS Module for a range of chemical, physical and biological parameters.
Abstract. Water resources and associated ecosystems are becoming highly endangered due to ongoing global environmental changes. Spatial ecological modelling is a promising toolbox for understanding the past, present and future distribution and diversity patterns groundwater-dependent ecosystems, such as fens, springs, streams, reed beds or wet grasslands. Still, the lack of detailed water ...
We analysed microbial biodiversity metrics and distribution of potential functional groups along a gradient of increasing land-use perturbation, detecting over 79,000 bacterial and 25,000 fungal OTUs in 715 sites across 24 countries. We found the lowest bacterial and fungal diversity in less-disturbed environments (woodlands) compared ...
All of these were originally published in the Journal of (EJSS) between 2016 and 2021*. As a reflection of the diversity of ECRs within , the topics that comprise our selection stem from a vast spectrum of sub-disciplines, from machine learning through to archaeology via mechanistic interface interactions.
and the uplands at higher latitudes. There is limited evidence that CO2 efflux from grass-lands may be about 20% higher than that from comparable forest stands (Raich and Tufekcioglu 2000). Unfortunately, however, most annual esti-mates of CO2 efflux from temperate grasslands date back to the 1970s (compare reviews by Raich
1. Assessment of erosion by water at scale: necessity and usefulness. The request of developing a pan- assessment for loss by water erosion comes from policy makers who aim to have dynamic tools to monitor the impact of various policies such as the Thematic Strategy, Common Agricultural Policy, and Climate Action on Land use and to develop indicators on the ...
Background Lupin is a promising legume crop, belongs to the Fabaceae (or Leguminosae) family. Lupin production for traditional and functional foods or animal feed is limited, due to the content of toxic quinolizidine (QA)s and indole alkaloids (IA)s. These compounds may not only pose a risk to humans and animals through food consumption, but may also affect and aquatic ecosystems. Field ...
Our MSc is an interdisciplinary programme, providing you with the essential knowledge and advanced skills to make informed decisions on sustainable land practice. The programme encompasses the fundamentals of and 's role in wider environmental systems and sustainable land management.
In order to provide guidance to the development of the Roadmap for the Joint Programme a synthesis identifying knowledge about the and their biophysical and socio-economic impacts has been carried out.
This paper reviews and summarises the scientific literature and relevant official reports, with the aim to advance this knowledge by synthesizing, mapping, and identifying gaps regarding the status, causes, and consequences of degradation processes in the Mediterranean region. This is needed as scientific underpinning of efforts ...
moisture data were retrieved from the Space Agency’s ERA5-Land dataset, which presents monthly averaged volumetric (m 3 m-3) water content at 0–7 cm, 7–28 cm, 28–100 cm and 100–289 cm intervals, using a 0.1° × 0.1° grid (Sabater, 2019).
The methodology included the biogeographic stratification of carbon measurements throughout using climatic zones derived from the Regions Map of . The presented stock estimates range from 1.3 to 70.8 t C/ha for the O-layer, and from 11.3 to 126.3 t C/ha for the mineral 0–20 cm (Germany: 0–30 cm) (5 and 95 ...
To increase the visibility of the profession in the general scientific arena, a procedure has been proposed to link the seven functions (SFs) (Table 2) proposed by the Commission (EC), 2006, Commission (EC), 2012 directly to well known general Ecosystem Services (ESs) (e.g. De Groot et al., 2002, Dominati et ...
Journal of . 2024. Soils are key components of our ecosystems and provide 95%–99% of our food. This importance is reflected by an increase in participatory citizen projects on soils. Citizen is a…. Expand. PDF. Stakeholders' point of view on access to knowledge in France.
@inproceedings{Panagiotis2012TheSO, title={The State of : A contribution of the JRC to the Environment Agency’s Environment State and Outlook Report— SOER 2010}, author={Panagos Panagiotis and B. P. Sara and Bouraoui Faycal and Bosco Claudio and Dewitte Olivier and Gardi Ciro and Erhard Markus and Hervas De Diego ...
The scenarios were (1) incorporation into to increase organic carbon (SOC) content (“carbon sequestration”) and (2) combustion to generate electricity. The Rothamsted Carbon Model was used to estimate SOC accumulation in a silty clay loam under the climatic conditions of north-west .
Awareness of the available remediation techniques for and groundwater. Understanding of chemical analyses which can be performed on , water and air samples. Excellent organisational and time-management skills. Be computer literate and proficient in the use of Microsoft applications. Awareness of the wider environmental risk reduction ...
Under the Union (EU) Thematic Strategy for Protection, the Commission has identified contamination as a priority for the collection of policy-relevant data at scale. In order to support EU management policies, -related indicators need to be develope …
organisms often increase production of antibiotic-like compounds during times of stress (Swiecilo & Zych-Wezyk, 2013) and perhaps because of the increased stresses on worldwide new antibiotics are being discovered, although at a slower rate than the emergence of antibiotic resistance in the same stressed (Martinez, 2008). Many of ...
In this study, a geo-statistical model is used to estimate the current and the future (SOC) stocks . A geo-statistical approach is proposed to achieve spatiotemporal prediction of stocks . The model consists of two sub-models (Figure 1). The base model predicts current organic ...
Springer books and magazines on and protection describe and illustrate -forming factors in all ecozones worldwide. Our excellent reference works deal with acute pollution situations and show comprehensive approaches to dealing with contaminated soils. Our portfolio is rounded off by a variety of field reports and case ...
erosion is a serious problem affecting nearly all of : approximately 12 million hectares of severely eroded croplands in the EU contribute to an annual loss in agricultural productivity ...
The Journal of has a well-deserved reputation for high quality and rigorous reporting of research. This selection shows the variety of papers from around world that are providing novel insights into the physics, chemistry and biology that underpin processes, and are directly applicable to decision-making in the real world.
The next EUROSOIL Meeting will be celebrated in the beautiful city of Seville (Spain) on 8-12 September 2025. The week before the EUROSOIL 2025, we will also organize for the first time a Judging Contest in the dream city of Granada. Therefore this, together with Seville, will be a great opportunity to visit the mythical Andalusia ...
A quantitative map of estimated pH values across from a compilation of 12,333 pH measurements from 11 different sources, and using a geo-statistical framework based on Regression-Kriging. Fifty-four (54) auxiliary variables in the form of raster maps at 5km resolution were used to explain the differences in the distribution of ...
The covers all aspects of biology which deal with microbial and faunal ecology and activity in soils, as well as natural ecosystems or biomes connected to ecological interests: biodiversity, biological conservation, adaptation, impact of global changes on …. View full aims & scope.
The estimation of carbon content is of pressing concern for protection and in mitigation strategies for global warming. This paper describes the methodology developed and the results obtained in a study aimed at estimating organic carbon contents (%) in topsoils across .
Measurement of microbial respiration, biomass and water content. For the survey, 50 g samples that had been previously stored frozen at −20 °C were taken, thawed to 4 °C ...
And I can tell you from my experience that tomatoes from Romania taste way better than those from Turkey, Greece or Italy, thanks to the quality. 6th in terms of population. Also, Romanian tomatoes taste better if they are grown on actual and not in greenhouses like 99% of store-bought tomatoes.
Yves Le Bissonnais. Unité INRA de du Sol, Ardon, 45015 Olivet, France. Search for more papers by this author
To strengthen research capacity and get new knowledge on climate adaption and mitigation for agricultural soils, the current state of in higher education is being investigate...
characteristics and environmental variables vary along the latitudinal axis across the continent, which influences predicted environmental concentrations, degree of toxicity to ...
Postdoctoral Researcher in (all genders welcome) Georg August University of Göttingen | Germany | about 1 month ago Postdoctoral Researcher in (all genders welcome) Stellen-ID: 2688 Facility: of Tropical and Subtropical Ecosystems group (PTS) Contact person: Prof. Dr. Edzo Veldkamp