Global under …
The Society of America 1 defines saline as a non-sodic containing sufficient amount of soluble ... Daliakopoulos, I. et al. The threat of salinity: a scale ...
The Society of America 1 defines saline as a non-sodic containing sufficient amount of soluble ... Daliakopoulos, I. et al. The threat of salinity: a scale ...
Data Centre 2.0: data and knowledge in support of the EU policies. Journal of , 73(6), e13315. Journal of , 73(6), e13315. DOI: 10.1111/ejss.13315
The Journal of (EJSS) Use and Management; Instagram channel. Visit BSSS; ... The British Society of is a limited company ...
Coupling Hg stocks in topsoil with losses and sediment distribution . • Hg displaced by water erosion is c.a. 43 Mg yr − 1 and c.a. 6 Mg Hg yr − 1 reach the rivers. • Agricultural lands contributes to more than 85% of Hg losses. • The Mediterranean Sea receives almost half of the Hg fluxes followed by Black Sea.
The Joint Programme ‘Towards climate-smart and sustainable agricultural management’ (EJP , 2020–2025) launched by the Union is a major initiative to develop an integrated research community on agricultural soils. research is essential for understanding and enhancing the contribution of ...
biodiversity monitoring is essential for the. early detection of possible decline in processing ability and to. enable the adoption of measures to reverse such decline. . monitoring, in ...
Highlights. •. The research priorities for in Russia include the study of microbiome and metagenome and other topics: •. The impact of global and regional climate changes soils and mechanisms of organic matter stabilization. •. Technogenic and agrogenic pollution, the construction of improved and artificial soils.
The JRC supports the Thematic Strategy for Protection, addressing areas such as erosion, contamination, compaction, landslides and loss of biodiversity and organic matter. provides the main foundation for human activity and housing. It is a limited and fragile resource, that 's environment policy seeks to protect.
biodiversity is the life that exists within the , from bacteria to earthworms. These living organisms keep healthy and fertile. biodiversity is key to meeting Green Deal objectives such as climate neutrality, biodiversity restoration, zero pollution, healthy and sustainable food systems, and a resilient environment.
A multidisciplinary group of experts has examined the implications of recent scientific research for integrated policy solutions towards ensuring the sustainability of ’s soils, and identified many opportunities for policy-makers to safeguard this valuable resource for the benefit of the EU’s citizens.
PhD in Real-time monitoring of surface and water quality Real-time monitoring of surface and water quality The quality of surface water has become a pressing environmental concern, with significant implications for public health, biodiversity, and sustainability.
has disrupted the global food supply chain and exacerbated the problem of food and nutritional insecurity. Here we outline strategies to strengthen local food production systems, enhance their resilience, and create a circular economy focused on restoration through carbon sequestration, on-farm cycling of nutrients, minimizing environmental pollution, and ...
Journal of . Volume 64, Issue 4 p. 445-454. Original Article. ... The British Society of is a limited company, registered in England ...
Changes in the relationship between evapotranspiration and moisture. To understand the detailed moisture–temperature coupling processes between the two periods, a composite analysis of ...
11th Plenary Meeting of the Partnership : 10 - 12 June 2024, Prague, Czechia: ... Annual conference of the British Society:
Dataset that contains 3 GIS maps showing (for microorganisms, for fauna,forbiological functions), along with 13 input layers (habitat fragmentation, climate change, erosion, etc.); resolution 500m. Because of the increasing pressures exerted on , below-ground life is under threat.
salinisation is a widespread phenomenon, with saline and sodic soils covering 932.2 Mha globally ( Rengasamy, 2006 ), and one of the major degradation threats worldwide, with mismanaged irrigation affecting 34.19 Mha ( Mateo-Sagasta and Burke, 2011) or over 10% of the total irrigated land ( Aquastat, 2016 ).
The Journal of EJSS has an Impact Factor of 4.2 and ranked 13/37. Six editions are published each year, with approximately 130 papers published.
pp. 982 - 983. DOI: 10.1126/.1216878. According to proposals of the Commission (EC) for Horizon 2020 ( 1 ), the next Framework Programme (FP) for Research and Innovation will direct resources to three priorities: (i) excellence 's base; (ii) industrial leadership; and (iii) societal challenges.
The cumulative impact of climate change (based on the three RCP scenarios) and land use change is a projected increase in erosion rates of 13–22.5 % in agricultural lands of the EU plus UK by 2050. This sizable gap can be eliminated (or at least reduced) with management practices for reduced losses.
In this work, over 60 citizen projects that considered health were reviewed. Citizen projects were collected based on literature search, expert interviews, project partner contributions and through the mailing lists of the Network for Awareness (ENSA) and the Data Center (ESDAC).
These new countries, and the countries awaiting entry into the Union, have generally a longer history of than those of western (EU-15), and in some cases a more ...
The aim of the study was to understand the current state of knowledge about the impacts of management practices, investigated and/or implemented across . The results were analysed at the level and were also grouped into Regions and Environmental Zones.
Department of , University of the Orange Free State, PO Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, Republic of South Search for more papers by this author First published: 04 October 2002