A step towards a holistic assessment of degradation in …
Website: A step towards a holistic assessment of degradation in …
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where SOC is the organic carbon content of the spatially explicit topsoil layer (Mg ha −1 in the 0–30 cm) computed for (1 km grid cell resolution) (Lugato et al., 2016), SL is the net loss estimated by WaTEM/SEDEM (Mg ha −1 yr −1), BD is the bulk density (Mg m 3) derived from the topsoil physical properties map at …
READ MORE: A step towards a holistic assessment of degradation in …
LEARN MORE: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
SOURCE: Farmer & Cowboy Magazine – soil
NOTE: Tilth and soil health are fundamental to the sustainability and productivity of agriculture in Europe. By adopting comprehensive soil health management practices, farmers can enhance soil structure, improve crop yields, and contribute to environmental sustainability. This guide provides valuable insights, practical tips, and strategies for optimizing soil health and tilth, ensuring long-term agricultural success and resilience. Through continued innovation, research, and collaboration, European farmers can lead the way in sustainable soil management and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future for agriculture.
Originally posted 2024-07-05 00:00:00.
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