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Soils for Agriculture. While is frequently referred to as the "fertile substrate", not all soils are suitable for growing crops. Ideal soils for agriculture are balanced in contributions from ...
Soils for Agriculture. While is frequently referred to as the "fertile substrate", not all soils are suitable for growing crops. Ideal soils for agriculture are balanced in contributions from ...
is a network of researc h institutes in the field of and agricultural management that will provide -based advice to practitioners and po licymakers, at local ...
Agriculture is the mainstay of the economies of sub-Saharan as it employs 60% of the active population and contributes up to 35% of the GDP (AGRA 2014). Yet, agri-food systems remain weak regardless of the unrelenting efforts made by the Agricultural Research and development and the flagship agricultural programs initiated by governments of the sub-region. Agriculture in SSA is ...