Do Agricultural Advisory Services Have the Capacity …

Indeed, health is seen as “a key solution for our big challenges” in the newly launched Union (EU) Strategy, which builds on the Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy [3,4]. For agricultural soils, health and managing sustainably are regarded as central to food system transition pathways such as ...

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The Natural History Museum (NHM) is a world-class visitor attraction and leading research centre and commercial event space. There are 350 scientific staff working across Life Sciences and Earth Sciences Departments with molecular laboratories, sequencing facilities and imaging centre in the Core Research Facilities. We use our unique collections with 80 million specimens, laboratory […]

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erosion modelling: The new challenges as the result of …

Abstract. New challenges and policy developments after 2015 (among others, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)) are opportunities for scientists and erosion modellers to respond with more accurate assessments and solutions as to how to reduce erosion and furthermore, how to reach Zero Net ...

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challenges beyond publication issues – Bouma – 2021 …

health is a big topic in the USA, and “ Health and Food” is one of only five “Missions” defined for the new massive Horizon research programme for 2021–2027. But, and there I agree with Baveye, has to rise to the occasion and it will not succeed with a business-as-usual approach.

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Erosion map of based on high resolution input …

Erodibility is an integrated annual value of the profile reaction to the process of detachment and transport by raindrops & surface flow. Combines the influence of Texture, Organic carbon, structure, Permeability, coarse fragments and Stone cover. 20,000 Land use/cover survey (LUCAS) samples with measured data.

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The threat of

Abstract. salinisation is one of the major degradation threats occurring . The effects of salinisation can be observed in numerous vital ecological and non-ecological functions. Drivers of salinisation can be detected both in the natural and man-made environment, with climate and the foreseen climate change also playing ...

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EU Mission ‘A Deal for ’: ten new projects to …

The EU Mission 'A Deal for ' aims to lead the transition towards healthy soils by 2030. Research is key to achieving its objectives . To support the development of a coherent research and innovation (R&I) portfolio, the project SOLO aims to co-create and identify knowledge gaps, priorities, novel approaches, and key performance ...

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Remediated sites and brownfields Success stories

and droughts. While is often perceived to be abundant, it is a non-renewable resource. It takes around 100 years for 1cm of to form in temperate climates. Still, according to the 2012 report of the Joint Research Centre “State of the ” there is an estimate of 3 million potentially contaminated sites ,

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organic carbon under conservation agriculture in …

This study is also funded by the Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (H2020-RUR-2017-2) as part of the LANDSUPPORT project (grant agreement No. 774234), which aims at developing a decision support system for optimising management .

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Total carbon and nitrogen in the soils of the world – Batjes …

Most profiles in the WISE database came from five main sources: (a) ISRIC's Information System, ISIS (Van de Ven & Tempel, 1994); (b) the Database System (SDB) of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO, 1989); (c) digital data compiled by the National Conservation Service of the United States of America (NRCS); (d) profiles obtained by WISE project staff from national ...

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Journal of Call for Papers Physics …

Physics and Healthy Cropland Cultivation. Submission deadline: Saturday, 15 June 2024. physics is at the heart of sustainable management of ecosystems. It is fundamental to global food, water and energy security, especially in the face of global climate change and increasingly anthropogenic activities.

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gives our dirt a second life | Research and …

provides the basis for. 90 % of all human food production . Its fertility is particularly important as the world’s population is set to increase dramatically, from 7.3 billion people today to 11.2 billion by 2100, according to the United Nations. Healthy is also vital for our environment, as it not only filters and cleans tens of ...

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Organic matter in the soils of : Present status and …

Data. Datasets. Database & properties; Functions Data; Threats Data; Point Data; Projects Data; Maps & Documents. Atlases; Maps; Documents; Knowledge. Themes. Erosion by water. (Baseline) Erosion - Projections by 2050; Historical reconstruction (1860-2018) of erosion rates ...

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iSOIL project (Interactions between related sciences)

iSOIL data are integrated into the Data Centre (ESDAC) in order to enhance the collaboration on, and further use of, the data generated in the iSOIL project, also beyopnd the project's lifetime. The data can be downloaded for free and used under the conditions set in the License agreement. More information about the iSoil Project.

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