Potential and limits of land and for sustainable …

Many authors already showed that LUCAS survey is a useful database for digital mapping techniques: erodibility map (Panagos et al., 2014, Panagos et al., 2015), creation of maps for the topsoil organic carbon content of (de Brogniez et al., 2015) or a map of topsoil physical properties (Ballabio et al., 2016).

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: Policy, knowledge and …

Working with nature can help prevent the worst impacts of climate change, and biodiversity and ecosystem loss. Nature-based solutions offer ways to do this. and policy have begun to recognise their potential. The knowledge base is expanding rapidly, with gaps identified and plans to fill them. However, challenges for implementation remain at the local level, as demonstrated by the case ...

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Change in active microbial community structure, abundance and …

Biochar amendment of is known to enhance carbon sequestration and fertility. Its effect on microbial activity and functioning, however, is not well understood, particularly in field conditions. We collected topsoil samples from plots in a rice paddy in southwest China either amended with biochar for 18 months or not amended.

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Degradation Assessment , A Review of Status …

As formation is an extremely slow process, can be considered a non-renewable resource. Soils should thus be adequately protected and conserved to ensure that functions are not lost or diminished. functions are, however, threatened by a wide range of processes. ’s resources may continue to degrade due to changes in climate, land use and other human activities ...

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14 PhD positions across in Macro and … –

The Innovative Training Network "SOPLAS – ” is funded by the Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) and offers 14 fully funded PhD positions (for early-stage researchers (ESR)) with attractive complementary training activities and generous ...

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Data Centre 2.0: data and knowledge in …

and the Climate Law, which include actions for sustainable management. In December 2020, the EC launched the Observatory (EUSO) to better support EU environmental, agricultural, and climate policies, and to be the long-term central scientific and technical point of reference in the EC concerning all matters. One ...

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