Security for the Union – ScienceDirect

Here, we discuss the implications of security for the Union's sustainability and the possible implementation of this concept in the future EU sustainable management strategies. Capability. capability is related to functions and the capacity of soils to deliver specific ecosystem services (Stavi et al., 2016).

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Connectivity elements and mitigation measures in policy …

The current use of erosion models was investigated through an exploratory survey of 46 model applications covering 18 countries. This novel analysis of erosion model applications revealed a variation in parameterisation, incorporation of landscape elements and mitigation measures with implications for connectivity and ...

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SoilTrEC: Transformations Catchments

Describe from 1st principles how structure impacts processes and function in profiles, Establish 4 EU Critical Zone Observatories to study processes at field scale, Develop a Critical Zone Integrated Model of processes and function, Create a GIS-based modelling framework to delineate threats and assess mitigation at EU scale, Quantify Impacts of changing land use ...

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Global Development in Research: Agriculture …

Abstract. The importance of resource to global food supply and climate change mitigation by carbon sequestration are the two most important factors for the constantly growing interest in global research. In view of its growing recognition as an important natural resource, the United Nations has declared 2015 as the “International ...

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Journal of – Wiley Online Library

The potential for non-equilibrium water flow and solute transport at any site depends on the nature of the macropore network, which is determined by the factors of structure formation and degradation, including the abundance and activity of biota such as earthworms, properties (e.g. clay content), site factors (e.g. slope position ...

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