loss due to : A …

The methodology to perform this first pan- estimate of the total loss due to crop harvesting rests on crop statistics aggregated at regional and national level and texture data obtained through the interpolation of ca. 20,000 topsoil samples of the Land Use/Land Cover Area Frame Survey (LUCAS) (Orgiazzi et al., 2018). Other ...

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Assessment of the cover changes and the loss potential …

Despite the ongoing intensive exploitation of the forest resources and documented impacts on the soils and related functions (Cerdà et al., 2010, Borrelli et al., 2013a), today researchers still lack a well-grounded knowledge about the impacts that the forest management activities have on the functions within ...

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New composition data for and Australia …

Highlights New continental-scale geochemistry data are provided for Australia and . Procedures to guarantee comparability of the datasets are demonstrated. Element concentrations show 3 to 5 orders of magnitude variation on both continents. The data provided define the geochemical background at the continental scale. Tight analytical quality control is a key requirement for ...

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An Underground Revolution: Biodiversity and Ecological …

Combining targeted biological approaches with state-of-the-art technological advances in agricultural (e.g., precision agriculture for tillage and weed control [95] or optimized nutrient and water addition [96]) could serve to reduce external resource use to a minimum while yields could be maintained or even increased. A major ...

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Parliamentary question | Monitoring Law | E-003248/2023 …

Answer in writing. Question for written answer E-003248/2023. to the Commission. Rule 138. César Luena (S&D) Despite healthy living ecosystems being the basis for biodiversity, ecosystem services, stable climate patterns, food security and human health , the proposal for a Monitoring Law, adopted by the Commission on 5 July ...

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– ESDAC – …

Eurosoil 2020 objective is to bring together leading research scientists working on related topics and stakeholders dealing with issues of public concern such as degradation and consequences of climatic changes. The important bridging role of practitioners to translate scientific knowledge into practice will be emphasized. https ...

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