has lost 3,600 km2 of  due to land take in seven years

has lost 3,600 km2 of due to land take in seven years

has lost 3,600 km2 of due to land take in seven years

Website: has lost 3,600 km2 of due to land take in seven years


Map Location: has lost 3,600 km2 of due to land take in seven years

in Europe



In the analysis by land type, arable land is the most affected category with a 1,694 km2 impact, or 47 percent of the land consumed between 2012 and 2018. Pasture land came next with 1,276 km2, or 36 percent. Forest loss affected only 338 km2. “The major land use pressure causing these changes”, the report says, “is the …

READ MORE: has lost 3,600 km2 of due to land take in seven years
LEARN MORE: resoilfoundation.org

SOURCE: Farmer & Cowboy Magazine – in Europe

NOTE: Tilth and soil health are fundamental to the sustainability and productivity of agriculture in Europe. By adopting comprehensive soil health management practices, farmers can enhance soil structure, improve crop yields, and contribute to environmental sustainability. This guide provides valuable insights, practical tips, and strategies for optimizing soil health and tilth, ensuring long-term agricultural success and resilience. Through continued innovation, research, and collaboration, European farmers can lead the way in sustainable soil management and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future for agriculture.

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