The of – Database

The major types of . with subsurface accumulation of low activity clay minerals and low base saturation (from the Latin, acris, meaning very acid). An Acrisol is a highly weathered occurring in warm temperate regions and the wetter parts of the tropics and subtropics. Acrisols have poor chemical properties, low levels of ...

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Professorship in and Resources (W2) | EURAXESS

W2 Professorship in and Resources (m/f/d) at the Institute of Geography from 01.03.2024. We are looking for an outstanding scientist who can demonstrate internationally visible achievements in research and teaching as well as an above-average acquisition of third-party funds and thus make an important contribution to the ...

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Countries across make progress on tackling …

The scientists call for a common framework to help national governments in their efforts to prevent and remediate contamination. Tracking progress across . An average of 3.6 contaminated sites per square kilometre of artificial surface are registered in the country inventories of EU Member States.

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to policy – EJP

The ‘Resources, Infrastructure and Capabilities Inventory (RICI)’ is an online platform for policy stakeholders. RICI provides access to a pool of specialized scientists and experts at local, regional and national level across . The RICI is like the "yellow pages" for expertise on . RICI is the catalogued scientific ...

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Risk Assessment Methodologies of Threats

assessment reports showing that degradation is a serious problem . The overall objective of the Strategy is (i) to prevent further degradation and to preserve its functions, and (ii) to restore degraded soils. The Strategy recognizes that certain threats, such as erosion, organic matter

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Overview of contaminants affecting and groundwater

Additional information. The ranking of contaminants is calculated on the basis of the frequency a specific contaminant is reported to be the most important the investigated sites: Ranking = (number of countries reporting the specific contaminant as the most important)*2 + (number of countries reporting the specific contaminant as the second ...

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Machine learning in space and time for modelling organic …

This project was funded by The Nature Conservancy and received co-funding from the Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 774378 (project CIRCASA - Coordination of International Research Cooperation on CArbon Sequestration in Agriculture), as well as the Craig and Susan McCaw Foundation.

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