A strategic research agenda to make … – Commission

A strategic research agenda to make better use of land and soils . and land use research is fragmented . Now, researchers and practitioners have developed a comprehensive agenda on key knowledge gaps that research needs to address for the benefit of society now and in the future.

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: A novel …

Out of 24,759 visited LUCAS Topsoil sites, the surveyors recorded a total of 211 sites with gully erosion channels (equal to ca. 1% of total) (Fig. 2).The surveyors also registered the number of gullies observable from the visited LUCAS Topsoil sites (ranging length 1–420m from the LUCAS sampling point, with a median distance of 50m) and classified them into three different categories ...

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Achievable agricultural carbon sequestration across …

Here, we evaluated country-specific SCS potentials of agricultural land for 24 countries . Based on a detailed survey of available literature, we estimate that between 0.1% and 27% of the agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can potentially be compensated by SCS annually within the next decades.

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Status of local contamination : Revision of the …

Paya Perez, A. and Rodriguez Eugenio, N., Status of local contamination : Revision of the indicator “Progress in the management contaminated sites ” , EUR 29124 EN, Publications Office of the Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-80073-3 (print),978-92-79-80072-6 (pdf), doi:10.2760/093804 (online),10.2760 ...

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moisture …

Anthropogenic warming is anticipated to increase moisture drought in the future. However, projections are accompanied by large uncertainty due to varying estimates of future warming. Here, using an ensemble of hydrological and land-surface models, forced with bias-corrected downscaled general circulation model output, we estimate the ...

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Agricultural Soils – Special Demands Related to …

salinization. The incremental loss and deterioration of 's resource is expected to continue, and will probably increase as a result of climate and land-use changes. From the Environmental Agency it was estimated that 220 million ha of (11% of the degraded soils worldwide) are degraded due to one or several of

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Systems | Free Full-Text | Assessing the Role of Soils …

The general concept of sustainable development has been specified in terms of goals, targets, and indicators by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, adopted in 2015, followed by the Green Deal of the Union in 2019. The focus on targets and indicators does, however, not address the issue as to how these goals can be achieved for land-related SDGs in the real world, and attention in ...

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SoilCare – Care for profitable and sustainable crop …

Care will involve: (1) Review of existing data on -improving cropping systems; (2) Definition of what constitutes a -improving cropping system; (3) Evaluation of -improving cropping systems at 16 study sites ; (4) Modelling to upscale results from study sites in order to recommend -improving cropping systems for locations under various scenarios; (5 ...

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Moisture Drought : A Compound Event of …

Abstract Compound events are extreme impacts that depend on multiple variables that need not be extreme themselves. In this study, we analyze moisture drought as a compound event of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (PET) on multiple time scales related to both meteorological drought and heat waves in wet, transitional, and dry climates during summer.

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Assessing erosion based on data collected …

In 2010, the Data Centre (ESDAC) of the Commission conducted a project to collect data on erosion from national institutions , using the Environment Information and Observation Network for (EIONET-). The aim of this paper is to present a selection of the results obtained for erosion ...

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