EU Mission ‘A Deal for ’: ten new projects to …

The EU Mission 'A Deal for ' aims to lead the transition towards healthy soils by 2030. Research is key to achieving its objectives . To support the development of a coherent research and innovation (R&I) portfolio, the project SOLO aims to co-create and identify knowledge gaps, priorities, novel approaches, and key performance ...

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Remediated sites and brownfields Success stories

and droughts. While is often perceived to be abundant, it is a non-renewable resource. It takes around 100 years for 1cm of to form in temperate climates. Still, according to the 2012 report of the Joint Research Centre “State of the ” there is an estimate of 3 million potentially contaminated sites ,

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organic carbon under conservation agriculture in …

This study is also funded by the Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (H2020-RUR-2017-2) as part of the LANDSUPPORT project (grant agreement No. 774234), which aims at developing a decision support system for optimising management .

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Total carbon and nitrogen in the soils of the world – Batjes …

Most profiles in the WISE database came from five main sources: (a) ISRIC's Information System, ISIS (Van de Ven & Tempel, 1994); (b) the Database System (SDB) of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO, 1989); (c) digital data compiled by the National Conservation Service of the United States of America (NRCS); (d) profiles obtained by WISE project staff from national ...

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