Journal of Call for Papers Physics …

Physics and Healthy Cropland Cultivation. Submission deadline: Saturday, 15 June 2024. physics is at the heart of sustainable management of ecosystems. It is fundamental to global food, water and energy security, especially in the face of global climate change and increasingly anthropogenic activities.

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gives our dirt a second life | Research and …

provides the basis for. 90 % of all human food production . Its fertility is particularly important as the world’s population is set to increase dramatically, from 7.3 billion people today to 11.2 billion by 2100, according to the United Nations. Healthy is also vital for our environment, as it not only filters and cleans tens of ...

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Organic matter in the soils of : Present status and …

Data. Datasets. Database & properties; Functions Data; Threats Data; Point Data; Projects Data; Maps & Documents. Atlases; Maps; Documents; Knowledge. Themes. Erosion by water. (Baseline) Erosion - Projections by 2050; Historical reconstruction (1860-2018) of erosion rates ...

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iSOIL project (Interactions between related sciences)

iSOIL data are integrated into the Data Centre (ESDAC) in order to enhance the collaboration on, and further use of, the data generated in the iSOIL project, also beyopnd the project's lifetime. The data can be downloaded for free and used under the conditions set in the License agreement. More information about the iSoil Project.

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