Ecosystem type drives eukaryotic diversity and … – PubMed

Abstract. eukaryotes play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem functions and services, yet the factors driving their diversity and distribution remain poorly understood. While many studies focus on some eukaryotic groups (mostly fungi), they are limited in their spatial scale. Here, we analyzed an unprecedented amount of observational ...

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monitoring and resilience in the EU

Impact assessment (SWD(2023) 417, SWD(2023) 418 (summary)) accompanying the Commission proposal for a directive of the Parliament and of the Council on monitoring and resilience ( Monitoring Law), COM(2023) 416. This briefing provides an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Commission's impact ...

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Maps of indicators of for

maps (2016) for : for Water retention of topsoil: saturated water content (cm3/cm3), water content at field capacity (cm3/cm3), water content at wilting point (cm3/cm3); for Hydraulic conductivity of topsoil: saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm/day). Besides the true values in the units mentioned values scaled ...

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Saline and Sodic Soils Union – Database

The Saline and Sodic Soils Map shows the area distribution of saline, sodic and potentially salt affected areas within the Union. The accuracy of input input data only allows the designation of salt affected areas with a limited level of reliability (e.g. < 50 or > 50% of the area); therefore the results represented in the map should ...

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A map of the topsoil organic carbon content of …

Our study has proposed the first topsoil OC content map of which is based on direct harmonized measurements stored in a database, produced using DSM techniques. The model shows a fairly good accuracy for most of the EU (R2 =0.28), except for Scandinavia (R2 =0.09) where organic topsoils predominate.

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Barriers and opportunities of knowledge to address …

The Joint Programme for (EJP ) started in 2020 with the aim to significantly improve management knowledge and create a sustainable and integrated research system. EJP involves more than 350 scientists across 24 Countries and has been addressing multiple aspects associated with management across ...

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Forty years of research funded by the …

conservation started to gain political attention during the last decade of the 20th Century and it became rapidly obvious that conservation was a complex issue, particularly , where long historical development has had a deep impact on resources (Imeson et al., 2006). Due to the potential of for ...

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