Respiration – JSTOR

and the uplands at higher latitudes. There is limited evidence that CO2 efflux from grass-lands may be about 20% higher than that from comparable forest stands (Raich and Tufekcioglu 2000). Unfortunately, however, most annual esti-mates of CO2 efflux from temperate grasslands date back to the 1970s (compare reviews by Raich

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Celebrating the work of Early Career Researchers in …

All of these were originally published in the Journal of (EJSS) between 2016 and 2021*. As a reflection of the diversity of ECRs within , the topics that comprise our selection stem from a vast spectrum of sub-disciplines, from machine learning through to archaeology via mechanistic interface interactions.

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Patterns in microbial diversity across – PubMed

We analysed microbial biodiversity metrics and distribution of potential functional groups along a gradient of increasing land-use perturbation, detecting over 79,000 bacterial and 25,000 fungal OTUs in 715 sites across 24 countries. We found the lowest bacterial and fungal diversity in less-disturbed environments (woodlands) compared ...

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ESSD – A map of groundwater pH and calcium

Abstract. Water resources and associated ecosystems are becoming highly endangered due to ongoing global environmental changes. Spatial ecological modelling is a promising toolbox for understanding the past, present and future distribution and diversity patterns groundwater-dependent ecosystems, such as fens, springs, streams, reed beds or wet grasslands. Still, the lack of detailed water ...

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Knowledge and data – Commission – Environment

The latest published LUCAS survey dates from 2018. It provides observations at more than 330.000 points surveyed in the EU Member States that are the basis for statistical report. data are collected and analysed through the LUCAS Module for a range of chemical, physical and biological parameters.

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The State of – A contribution of the JRC to …

The core of this report was prepared for the Assessment on , which forms part of the 'The Environment - state and outlook 2010 Report' (SOER) 20102, coordinated by the Environment Agency (EEA). This Reference Report uses data from the Data Centre (ESDAC), managed on behalf of EU institutions by the JRC.

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Journal list menu – Wiley Online Library

In the event that an author is not able to cover the costs of reproducing colour figures in colour in the printed version of the journal, Journal of offers authors the opportunity to reproduce colour figures in colour for free in the online version of the article (but they will still appear in black and white in the print ...

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