Translating into environmental policy: A case …

For the above distinctions certainly apply and this will be illustrated by discussing the unique challenge faced by , now that a “Thematic Strategy for Protection” is adopted by the EU Commission. This may include a legally binding framework directive. Adoption of such a strategy at EU level is to be ...

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Indicators for pan- assessment and monitoring of …

The Database (Heineke et al., 1998) provides a harmonised and spatial coverage of types and descriptions, based on FAO nomenclature, at a resolution of 1:1 m scale (ca. 1 km ×1 km) in all participating countries. The basic spatial units are the mapping units (SMU)—polygons representing areas of the same ...

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Mapping earthworm communities – ScienceDirect

Existing data sets on earthworm communities were collected, harmonized, collated, modelled and depicted on a biodiversity map. Digital Mapping was applied using multiple regressions relating relatively low density earthworm community data to characteristics, land use, vegetation and climate factors (covariables) with a greater spatial resolution.

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Effects of Agri-Environment Schemes in Terms of the Results …

interacts with terrestrial carbon storage in land systems. By summarizing the very different estimates of carbon storage regarding the different farm, , and climate conditions of ’s agriculture, Nowicki states that the carbon storage capacity of grasslands supersedes the carbon storage capacity of arable soils [12].

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Postdoc on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

A three year Postdoc is available in the project “ biota as drivers of ecosystem functioning and nutrient cycling”. This project is funded by the Swiss National Foundation. Tasks In this project you will investigate how changes in biodiversity and land use intensity influence nutrient cycling, ecosystem functioning and ...

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sampling guidelines for pollution studies

The sampling guidelines used countries (ESSG), as kindly provided by the national institutions which participated in the project, have been recorded, studied, evaluated and presented in this paper. The aim has been to ascertain what sampling guidelines exist ; to detect similarities and differences (comparable ...

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