and land – Commission – Environment

The EU strategy for 2030 sets out a framework and concrete measures to protect and restore soils, and ensure that they are used sustainably. A new Monitoring Law will put the EU on a pathway to healthy soils by 2050. This proposal for the first-ever EU legislation on soils provides a harmonised definition of health, puts in place ...

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Permanent grasslands : Land use change and …

Permanent grasslands across are very diverse in appearance (Fig. 1).This is partly driven by inherent factors such as climate and , but also by varying intensities of grassland management, resulting in continuous gradients of fertilisation and defoliation (mowing or grazing) intensities (Blüthgen et al., 2012).

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Atlas of the Region – ESDAC …

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner for Research, Innovation and , launched the Atlas on 4th May 2010 in Brussels at the Parliament at the inauguration of an exhibition on the work of the Commission's Joint Research Centre . Press release: New atlas underlines significant role of soils in climate change

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Journal of | EVISA’s Journals Database

The Journal of , as one of the premier journals in the field, fosters that understanding by publishing the latest significant findings of research, the description of new techniques, and up-to-date authoritative and critical reviews over the whole field of and its applications. Journal of ...

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The role of grassland for erosion and flood mitigation in …

compaction is a major threat where about 32% of soils are highly susceptible and 18% are moderately susceptible to it ( Commission, 2021b). In permanent grasslands, compaction occurs due to animal trampling, machinery wheeling and poaching or pugging (i.e. penetration of surface by the animal hooves).

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Advances in the study of erosion by water in Mexico …

Keeping in mind that erosion is a matter of priority in Mexico and that the United Nations guidelines with respect to erosion for workgroups and scientific communities are to make known the research results (FAO & IPTS, 2015), the aim of the present article is to identify the main research strategies for the study of the estimation ...

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Soils for | SOLO | Project | Fact sheet | HORIZON …

The EU Mission ‘A Deal for ’ is leading the transition towards healthy soils by 2030. Research is key to achieving eight ambitious objectives that include reducing desertification, conserving organic carbon stocks and improving structure to enhance biodiversity. In this context, the EU-funded SOLO project will ...

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to policy …

In this context, the Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) has established the Data Centre (ESDAC) as a unique focal point for data and information at Union level [7]. During the last 12 years (since the Thematic Strategy adopted), the ESDAC has developed bio-physical models for better assessing the ...

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