Pesticide residues soils – A hidden …

In this study, the distribution of 76 pesticide residues was evaluated in 317 topsoil samples from across the Union. The soils were collected in 2015 and originated from 11 EU Member States and 6 main cropping systems. Over 80% of the tested soils contained pesticide residues (25% of samples had 1 residue, 58% of samples ...

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Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International …

The custodian of will celebrate its centennial contribute to the nature and human wellbeing in 2024. The event will also empower the linkages with different disciplines, policy makers, stakeholders, institutions, and associations to effectively address civil society needs within agriculture, forestry, environment, urban planning ...

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The new assessment of loss by water erosion …

The differences in approach to assess loss by water erosion probably arise from the different circumstances pertaining at the time. Thus in the 1930s erosion was high on the agenda in the USA and was widespread (Bennet, 1939), and an understanding of processes driving erosion was needed. Plot experiments were set up at experimental ...

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roadmap – EJP

roadmap. The Roadmap for EJP functions as an agenda for the activities of EJP and describes a vision for climate-smart and sustainable agricultural management. In the beginning of the EJP program, a number of expected outcomes were identified by the Commission, which in different ways could contribute to ...

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Manure more …

legislation, there is no uniformly used definition for manure: While Regulation EC/1069/2009 on animal by-products defines manure as “any excrement and/or urine of farmed animals other than farmed fish, with or without litter”, being an organic fertiliser, the Nitrates Directive (Directive 91/676/EEC) defines manure from farmed animals as “waste products excreted by livestock ...

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Climate change . 2. Impact on . A review

Consequences of climate change for the climate in Central and the central plains of the United States. This study aims to evaluate climate quantitatively under present and projected climatic conditions across Central (12.1°–18.9° E and 46.8°–51.1° N) and the U.S. Central Plains (90°–104° W….

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How deep is of four …

Background and aims depth is a critical attribute of any , and determines rooting, moisture and nutrient storage, mineral reserve, anchorage, and a range of conditions that affect plant growth. We reviewed papers from four primary journals and extracted how deep the soils were studied in those papers. Methods depth was obtained over a 30-years period (1989–2019 ...

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