| Rogitex

Here we share some of the highlights about .. Ancient . Among the first scientists were the Greek Theophrastus (371 BC-287 BC) who wrote “On the Causes of Plants”, and the Chinese Fan Shengzhi (1st century BC) who wrote on many agricultural topics including “Field Usage, Plowing, Irrigation, Harvesting,” and other crop specific topics.

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Digital mapping of pH and carbonates at the …

The digital maps of pH and CaCO 3 with 250 m resolution at scale were generated. Both pH value and CaCO 3 content in Northern were lower than those in Southern . Moreover, the pH and CaCO 3 showed a positive correlation in the 28 countries in terms of the Pearson correlation coefficient values.

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Implications of the proposed Framework Directive on …

The first four threats are pertinent to agricultural systems in Atlantic , but vary in their extent between countries depending on the spatial distribution. Loss of biodiversity has not been included as a potential threat in the SFD due to lack of information that is currently available both spatially and temporally to ...

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