(fully funded PhD for international students …

Newcastle University School of History, Classics and Archaeology. Award summary . Four years (full-time, or pro rata part-time). Stipend funded by UKRI (AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership) at 2024/25 rate (currently £19,237); annual training and research allowance with £1,000 per year from Historic England; tuition fees (UK Home rate, £ ...

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threats …

Eleven threats were identified for the report. These threats are erosion by water, erosion by wind, decline of organic matter (OM) in peat, decline of OM in minerals soils, compaction, sealing, contamination, salinization, desertification, flooding and landslides and decline in biodiversity.

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Global Excellence in Pollution and Remediation: …

Global collaboration is the cornerstone of scientific advancement. Frontiers in has organized a series of special edition Research Topics, with the goal of highlighting the latest advancements in Pollution and Remediation across the globe, showcasing the academic excellence and high-quality work of internationally recognized ...

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[PDF] Atlas of | Semantic Scholar

maps from the same area but different periods show how soils and their distribution were perceived and mapped over time. They tell a bit about developments in mapping and in general. The first maps of started to appear in the mid-1800s but it was not until the 1920s that a map for the whole continent was produced. Since that time several maps were ...

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What is the …

Published: 11 February 2021. To strengthen research capacity and get new knowledge on climate adaption and mitigation for agricultural soils, the current state of in higher education is being investigated. A report has now been delivered with preliminary results from education institutions .

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PostDoc positions in – ESDAC – Commission

Data. Datasets. Database & properties; Functions Data; Threats Data; Point Data; Projects Data; Maps & Documents. Atlases; Maps; Documents; Knowledge. Themes. Erosion by water. (Baseline) Erosion - Projections by 2050; Historical reconstruction (1860-2018) of erosion rates ...

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