COSMOS-: a network of cosmic-ray neutron …

Here we present moisture data from 66 cosmic-ray neutron sensors (CRNSs) (COSMOS- for short) covering recent drought events. The CRNS sites are distributed across and cover all major land use types and climate zones . The raw neutron count data from the CRNS stations were provided by 24 research institutions ...

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A global perspective on education at third …

In Italy, education is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16. topics are mainly taught in “” and “Techniques” curricula. In the former, is explained through concepts of genesis, -forming processes (primary schools), horizons (lower secondary schools), and classification systems.

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PhDs in – FindAPhD

To pursue a PhD in , you typically need a strong academic background in a related field, such as Environmental Sciences, Agriculture, or Geology. Most universities require a minimum of a 2.1 Honours degree, although some may consider applicants with a lower classification if they have relevant research experience or a Master's degree.

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Erosion Research in the Journal of …

Digital mapping of buried horizons using 2D and pseudo-3D geoelectrical measurements in a ground moraine landscape. Ilona van der Kroef, Sylvia Koszinski, Michael Grinat, Marijn van der Meij, Wilfried Hierold, Wolfgang Südekum, Michael Sommer. , Journal of . First Published: 17 May 2019. Abstract.

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