A global atlas of the dominant bacteria found in |

Here we conducted a global analysis of the bacterial communities found in surface soils from 237 locations across six continents and 18 countries (fig. S1) to (i) identify the most dominant (i.e., most abundant and ubiquitous) bacterial phylotypes worldwide; (ii) determine which of these dominant phylotypes tend to co-occur and share similar environmental preferences; (iii) map the ...

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The rise of compound warm-season droughts –

They argued that low moisture dries air masses in Southern , which, as they move northward, decrease cloudiness and enhance the atmospheric evaporative demand. Our hydrologic simulation is in agreement with their hypothesis, showing that, during the compound warm-season events of CEU, January to April moisture deficits in MED ...

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SOLO. SOLO will identify current knowledge gaps, drivers, bottlenecks, and novel research and innovation approaches to be considered in the Mission research and innovation roadmap. The project aims to create a knowledge hub for health research and innovation that will last beyond the project’s lifespan by establishing ...

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Abstract moisture–atmosphere interactions are key elements of the regional climate system. There is a well-founded hope that a more accurate representation of the moisture–precipitation feedback would improve the simulation of summer precipitation on daily to seasonal, to climate time scales. However, uncertainties have persistently remained as the simulated feedback is strongly ...

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Farmers are being paid millions to trap carbon in … –

The model, launched in the 1980s, was originally called Century because it simulated carbon dynamics on timescales of a century or longer.As concerns about climate change grew, the CSU team looked to expand the model to capture how the three major greenhouse gases—CO 2, methane, and N 2 O—pass between air and land during a growing season.

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