Editorial – Oliver – 2015 – …

The Journal and the Journal of before it have always been esteemed by readers and contributors alike, and Steve has left the EJSS in good shape. I am enthusiastic about my new role and I intend to maintain the Journal's high standard under my leadership. The end product of the Journal is the result of a team effort.

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EGU – Division on System Sciences (SSS) –

4 days, 20 hours ago. Job Description The Earthquake and Tsunami Monitoring Group, Research and Development Center for Earthquake and Tsunami Forecasting (FEAT; Director: Takane Hori), Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics (IMG), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth and Technology (JAMSTEC), is recruiting a Researcher or Researcher (II) to ...

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bulk density assessment – ScienceDirect

The topsoil Land Use and Cover Area frame Statistical survey (LUCAS) aims at collecting harmonised data about the state of health over the extent of Union (EU). In the LUCAS 2018 survey, bulk density has been analysed for three depths, i.e., 0–10 cm = 6140 sites; 10–20 cm = 5684 sites and 20–30 cm =139 sites.

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Master’s degrees in – Mastersportal.com

4,913 EUR / year. 2 years. The research and teaching in the and Water Sciences teaching program at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem integrate both chemical and physical aspects of the , water and atmosphere. M.Sc. / Full-time / On Campus. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Rehovot, Israel.

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